View Full Version : I think i'm going mad! ritalin and citalopram

24-12-13, 01:43
i've been on citalopram for a few months now (20mg) and I have ADHD and my GP has advised me to go back on the ritalin that i had been using for 2 years before having to stop due to anxiety. its been 2 days and i think i'm going insane. i keep seeing things that aren't there (movement, i saw what looked like a man sitting on my mum's bed) and i think i'm hearing things, but i'm not sure. i feel like i'm losing my grip on reality here and i'm in a state of panic. i'm terrified. i'm not sure what to do. if i should stick with the ritalin and hope the seeing things goes away soon, or come off of it

if anyone else is on this combonation of drugs have you had any bad reactions?