View Full Version : terrified of heart attack

24-12-13, 13:05
I'm so scared I've got a heart attack waiting to happen. For.the last few months I've had chest pains, hot flushes, indigestion, dizziness and tiredness. I'm scared these are warning signs of a heart attack. I don't know why I'm having these symptoms and they come on so randomly. I.just want to enjoy Christmas but I'm scared I won't be Here next year :(

24-12-13, 13:15
Hey Loubelle
I too have all of these symptoms - you know what it is? Anxiety. The chest pains/hot flushes indicate to me that you are hyperventilating something I do a LOT. It is not dangerous and can easily be combated by taking slow drawn out breaths when you feel anxiety. Hot flushes happen to me when im panicking also and tiredness - well anxiety really takes it out of you. If you want go to your doctor just to be completely reassured but I suffer all of these with anxiety. You are not alone :) x

24-12-13, 13:15
Generally there are no warning signs of a heart attack so I really don't think it is that.

The chest pain can be from the indigestion so why not see doc and get some medication for that.

24-12-13, 13:31
I went to a doctor a month ago for stomach pain and was given ozmerparole (sp?) Which helped me. I don't know why im all of a sudden this bad. I don't want to drop dead but I'm so scared :(

24-12-13, 13:33
Hi Loubelle,

Like Nic said, there's typically no warning per se' when or if a heart attack is going to happen. Some do, but if you've been experiencing them for a few months, they've been random and nothing has happened, I'd say it's probably not heart related. I've had two and even in retrospect, I wasn't getting "warning signs". It was BAM! Uh Oh! Better get to a hospital!

If you read the "Symptoms" link on the page, you'll see many if not all of the symptoms you're experiencing. As Becky is saying, anxiety causes all the things you're feeling.

Christmas is tomorrow and 1 week from then is New Years. I'm not a betting man bit I'm willing to bet you'll be here :)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

Positive thoughts

24-12-13, 15:34
Are you still taking the Omeprazole - that was what I would have suggested getting as well

24-12-13, 16:05
Thank you for your replies. It definitely helps to hear some normality!

I only took omerprazole for two weeks and then my stomach felt a lot better. I've still got acid reflux and a persistent cough And I've always been really worried about my heart. I've had every test except for an echocardiogram but its always in the back of my mind that something is wrong with me.

I'm going to try and forget about it now and enjoy Christmas.