View Full Version : Mucus

24-12-13, 14:18
Hi all
Just wondered if anyone else suffers badly with mucus. I have a bit of a cold at moment with stuffy nose and I get bad mucus in back of throat. It feels thicker and stickier after eating/drinking which of course then makes me worry about eating/drinking then I dont eat/drink enough. I also burp alot after eating and I have problems with breathing cause i hyperventilate and mucus isnt helping! Anxiety also tends to give me tight/throat chest. I went to doc on monday and she told me it was a cold and just anxiety giving me breathing difficulties but im still worrying because she didnt actually listen to my chest or anything she just told me straight away its anxiety. Does anyone else get this and could you help ease my mind because im really worried its something really bad and im going to choke on mucus or stop breathing or something. Thanks in advance

25-12-13, 10:22
You're not going to stop breathing Becky, its most likely just post nasal drip. In essence it is mucous sliding down the back of your throat. You can gargle warm salt water twice a day to help with it or even try a neti pot - some people find that gross though, I don't mind it... when I get a bad bout of sinusitis I get never ending post nasal drip which sometimes causes tightness in my chest but its nothing. Honestly, you say you have been feeling like you have a cold anyway. Just try to relax, get a book, lay on the couch and just be kind to yourself. Rest and keep up with the fluid intake. I hope you feel better soon.