View Full Version : Hope you all have an anxiety-free day tomorrow...

24-12-13, 15:25
Just finished preparing the house for the descent of my crazy family tomorrow.

Just wanted to wish you all the best for tomorrow and hope that you all have as good a day as possible xxx

24-12-13, 15:28
Hope you do as well xx

24-12-13, 15:35
Thank you :-) x

24-12-13, 15:46
How you doing now ? Have a good one x

24-12-13, 15:53
A bit better I guess Tristan, thanks for asking.
Had a bit of a do this morning and yesterday was a complete write-off but feeling a bit more positive now. Think I need to just accept that there will be some horrific days as well as some better ones.

How you getting on? How are you feeling about tomorrow? X

24-12-13, 16:21
Not to great but keeping my chin up for tomorrow as got 3 very excited children , just need to get this ven out my system and a good couple of weeks on cit 20 mg x x

24-12-13, 16:26
Not to great but keeping my chin up for tomorrow as got 3 very excited children , just need to get this ven out my system and a good couple of weeks on cit 20 mg x x

I do believe the cit is beginning to work Tristan. You sound really positive.

If I could stop missing doses and get myself up to 30mg I think I'd be well away. Finally found a doctor willing to prescribe some valium so at least I might be able to chill out tomorrow.

Have a good one everyone. Damn it's been a slog since the end of October though. Just looking forward to a return to normality in 2014.

Good luck everyone.

24-12-13, 16:56
I'm coming off ven in jan and going up to 40 cit so should be interesting