View Full Version : Heart worries

24-12-13, 17:15
Ok so recently I've been smoking a lot. I'm also on Venalic XL which can increase your heart rate. Plus I'm anxious and stressed. Just went out for a brisk walk with the dog and came back to breathing heavily, my chest feels tight and obviously I'm in a massive panic.

The doctor listened to my chest yesterday but im so scared because my heart is racing and my throat feels tight. I'm trying to tell myself it's anxiety + exercise but my fears are telling me "heart attack! Undiagnosed heart condition, smoking + panic + exercise will kill me"

Feel very vulnerable right now :(

24-12-13, 17:46
Hi Ryan,

I've seen dozens of posts like this over the last few months and not one of them was a heart attack. While I'm not a doctor, I have had two heart attacks and what you describe doesn't sound like one.

smoking + panic + exercise = breathing heavily, tight chest and increased heart rate.

You posted a thread about Mood Gym. It might be worth using some of those techniques you've been learning to calm yourself down.

When you do and all is well, please QUIT SMOKING! If you want to prevent yourself from having a heart attack in the future, that is the best way to do so.

Positive thoughts and Merry Christmas!