View Full Version : Help. Scared i'm heading the same way.

24-12-13, 18:14
So last Christmas my severe anxiety came back with a vengeance and ended up having a month off and was in a state barely sleeping for 3 weeks. For the past week or so I've been thinking it's that same time coming. Today I've had the all symptoms rrrr I've had cbt this year and trying to put it to use but it's not helping :mad:I don't have any personal worries having a gorgeous 9 month old baby boy, great girlfriend, great parents and family, job I enjoy etc. What a total pain in the AR:shades:E. Same old as most anxious over anxiety and it starts again :shrug:

24-12-13, 18:24
I feel exactly the same Matt, I've been plagued with this on and off for 5 years or so and I just want my life back. Started taking seroxat 3 months ago and started to feel myself again but the last week I've slowly slipped back and now I'm a mess, my he's feels like it's going to explode I can't sit still or eat much or sleep much. Its also taking it's till on my family, not sure what to do anymore.

24-12-13, 18:30
Try and relax Matt it's also one year since i started falling apart and I'm having bad memories but im determined to not let it ruin my Christmas

24-12-13, 19:46
Thanks folks I'm trying so so hard to be positive but when your hearts racing, stomachs churning, feel sick etc it's not happening. Carl have you got any beta blockers or anything?

24-12-13, 20:52
Yeah I have Propranolol but I don't take them anymore. I don't know why but I don't feel comfortable mixing all different types of medicines. I already take Seroxat and Nytol sometimes as I can't sleep so don't think I should take Prop aswell

25-12-13, 00:48
Carl, I to was prescribed proprananol but haven't tried them since February as I wasn't sure but I've decided to give them another go today. How do you find nytol?

25-12-13, 14:58
They help a little but my sleep is still rubbish and I end up waking up with a really fuzzy head like I'm in a dream all day and can't focus on anything