View Full Version : Temp high even after paracetomol

24-12-13, 18:27
I have either the flu or tonsiltus and I'm on paracetomol every 4 hours however my temp is constantly on 38 even tho I'm on pain killers should I be worried? I only have paracetmol in the house :( the fever is also making me ache any tips to stop this I'm so upset it's happening over Christmas :( xx

Daisy Sue
24-12-13, 18:42
:( Not great timing, huh?

Could anyone pick up some ibruprofen for you? Even if the shops nearby are shut, most petrol stations sell them. You can take them at the same time as paracetamol, or stagger them so you're taking one or the other every 2 hours. I hope the temp breaks soon and you start to perk up in time to enjoy Xmas.

If it feels like flu or your throat is very sore, then I wouldn't worry.. you're probably right about the cause, but if you have this temp with no obvious symptoms, I'd probably give the out of hours service a call.

24-12-13, 18:57
I have this as well, feels like Im swallowing razor blades. Im gargling with soluble paracetomol (what the pharmacist told me to do). I dont think 38 is really high is it? Hope you feel better tomorrow.


24-12-13, 19:17
I dont think 38 is really high is it?

While it's not terribly high, it's an indication your body is definitely fighting something off and high enough to make you feel lousy :(

Feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

24-12-13, 20:07
I hope what I said didnt come across in the wrong way. I wasnt suggesting for one minute that you wont feel ill with a temp of 38, what I meant was I dont think its high enough to cause concern. Hopefully the tablets will start to lower it soon.


24-12-13, 20:12
I hope what I said didnt come across in the wrong way. I wasnt suggesting for one minute that you wont feel ill with a temp of 38, what I meant was I dont think its high enough to cause concern. Hopefully the tablets will start to lower it soon.


Not at all Had..... and you're right. Not to be terribly concerned about. OTC fever reducers should help.

Positive thoughts

24-12-13, 20:23
Thank you all xx well my paracetamol dose has run out and my temps gone up to 39.7
Other half is having getting me ibrupohen now I'm so scared :(


24-12-13, 20:29
Maybe you could phone 111 for some advice. Hope you feel better soon.


24-12-13, 21:56
The paracetmol took down my temp to 38 again as you say that's not too high xx

24-12-13, 22:07
The paracetmol took down my temp to 38 again as you say that's not too high xx

Good :)... drink plenty of water, a cool wash cloth on your forehead (feels good) and get rest... feel better soon! :)

Daisy Sue
25-12-13, 23:52
How are you feeling now?