View Full Version : Sad Christmas coming up

24-12-13, 19:01
Hi all

This is my first Christmas without my mum who passed away in March. She was my best friend, we were peas in a pod.

Just recovering from a major anxiety/depression episode and have felt more myself the last week after 6 weeks increased citalopram and diazepam when anxiety gets too much to bear.

Hoping I can get through next few days.


24-12-13, 19:10
I remember my first Christmas without my Mom, Mermaid. I'm sorry that you're having to go through that. It certainly can be a sad time. I know that I had to adjust my expectations because there were so many things that my Mom did for Christmas. I learned to miss her, yet honor her memory by appreciating the day and enjoying the rest of my family. I hope that you find some peace and enjoyment tomorrow.

24-12-13, 21:59
Hi mermaid, I'm so sorry u are feeling so sad, I wish it were possible to take that pain away for you and I am sending you big hugs. I wish I could hug you right now.
I also wish I could find some words that might help you feel comforted. What I do know is that a mother-daughter relationship has special moments and is very meaningful, thus the depth of your sadness.
I can relate to you saying you were two peas out if the same pod, as there are remarkable similarities between my mother and myself. You are bound to feel very emotional since you had such a close bond with her. From the way you talk about her, I am sure she felt the same way about you.
Wishing you and your family all the best :-) :flowers:

24-12-13, 22:21
Hello Mermaid.

Sending you positive thoughts and a friendly hug.

My Mum died last August, so I know how you are feeling. I haven't quite got in to the Christmas routine this year, because I am missing Mum too much and making the effort has been too much to cope with at times.

Like you, I was close to Mum and it's awful not being able to share Christmas memories with her.

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, spending time with people I don't know too well. Hoping I can think of Mum and the happy times, after I've been socializing.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow Mermaid.

Feel free to pm me.

24-12-13, 23:30
Aw I wish you the best of luck - I'm sorry to hear about your mum.

Stay strong, and my thoughts are with you :)

24-12-13, 23:55
Mermaid, I lost my Dad 2 weeks before Christmas a lot of years ago, it was awful and we didn't know how we'd get through it. We are a very close family and he was a big miss. But somehow we did get through it, we did the same as we always did, tree and all. That year however, we did it all in his name, so we weren't maudlin or miserable, we remembered him and knew he'd be with us in all our minds. Remember it's just one day, you can do it in her name, she'd like that. :-)

31-12-13, 20:53
Mermaid, how is it going?

01-01-14, 23:20
Tessar I have coped really well and felt I had turned the corner but this evening I have become very anxious completely out of nowhere.

It's quite rare for me to be anxious at night it's usually my best time of the day.


02-01-14, 20:25
Hi mermaid; I have heard other people here say about anxious coming out of nowhere. Also I find that even after a few good days & having coped well, that sometimes I feel worse again. There is no doubt that it is an up & down ride at times.
Even though you have felt you are coping better, it's still early days isn't it? When you think that your mother has been there for you and was, as you say, your best friend.... Well, it takes time to get over the loss. I would expect that the anxiety, even when coming out of the blue, is most likely down to your bereavement. I guess it isn't always as a reaction to something specific that triggers the reaction. But I am certain there is a lot going through your mind at the moment. All sorts of feelings too I would imagine?
Perhaps it was just an unusual occurrence regarding the time of day? It was probably just one if those things..... I'd try not to worry too much about the timing but to be kind to yourself & give yourself time to come to terms with your loss.More hugs :bighug1: :bighug1: