View Full Version : Angina at the age of 22

25-12-13, 01:53
hello everyone,

first off, Merry Christmas :). I am writing to enquire about the possibility of health anxiety causing angina like symptoms. I have been told that the mind is a very powerful thing an cause any symptom. I do have panic disorder but my question today is about the potential of an underlying problem causing this. At times, I get heart pains completely out of the blue, sometimes if I move to quick, sometimes after I eat but what has worried me most recently is the fact I get chest discomfort in the cold weather that comes and goes. I am aware that cold weather can trigger angina so I have become paranoid about this. I have been to the docs and had ECG echo and blood tests which were clear and they seem convinced it's anxiety. I can accept this to some degree as I have panic attacks occasionally, but the triggers of my heart pain worry me. sometimes il have it after I eat, sometimes if I walking up a hill and just massive pains that come out of the blue. I will admit I have researched symptoms a lot and do display hypochondriac traits. is it possible that my mind could trick me this much ? . I just find it hard to believe that anxiety can cause chest pain in cold weather , after food etc and just triggers that seem to indicate cardiac problems. could this all be down to anxiety and lack of fitness?.

hope you have a great Xmas guys.



25-12-13, 09:11
Hi Kieron,

Merry Christmas to you!

The chances of you having angina at age 22 are...well... none! If I recall, not too long ago you had some chest pains and went to the hospital. They did tests and held you for a bit. A cardiologist told you your heart was fine and diagnosed anxiety.

I can tell you that yes, anxiety can cause symptoms that mimic heart issues. I don't have anxiety but I have had a couple of panic attacks in my life. Most recently last February before I went for surgery to remove the cancer from my neck. I was getting chest pain and shortness of breath. Thing is, I "knew" it was a panic attack but having had heart problems and cardio vascular disease, I went to the ER. I told the nurses and doctors it was a panic attack and they said it was wise to come in based on my history. You can guess the rest.

The best thing you can do is seek some help with your anxiety. From your words, you sound pretty rational about it and don't seem to get too overcome so you can approach this logically and rationally and find some tools to help you control it.

Positive thoughts and a very Merry Christmas!

26-12-13, 00:11
thanks fishmanpa. I iust get worried sometimes after I've eaten , il get like a feeling if fullness that comes and goes. like it feels really strong. sometimes I can convince myself it's anxiety but then a bad pain comes and I'm like angina ��