View Full Version : 5.40am no sleep yet

25-12-13, 05:40
Every time I lye down my heart beats a lot faster and harder and it's too hard to get to sleep as I am worrying + it's difficult to even close my eyes with banging out of my throat!

Don't know what's going on but had this anxiety (if it is anxiety) all my life and am really really fed up with it now.

25-12-13, 10:37
Sorry to hear you had a naff sleep.

Focusing on your heart rate us probably what's making your heart rate increase because it's causing you anxiety. Try distraction techniques, don't think about your heart rate, once your mind drifts away from it you will relax and have a better night sleep.

After today I'm sure you'll have no problems what so ever :)

25-12-13, 13:00
I generally try to get up out of the bed and I write. Sometimes I just write whatever gibberish comes into my head. I write even if it doesn't make any sense and I dint lift the pen from the paper for at least ten minutes. The act of writing generally gets what I am subconsciously worrying about out of mynhead and onto the paper. I know it may sound strange but it seems to help me.