View Full Version : hello there

25-12-13, 13:51
Afternoon and merry xmas.
I am a newbie to posting on here, but been reading for few years. thought was time to introduce myself.
I am 34 year old female from midlands. Been seeing a psych now for last 4 years. Been diagnosed with severe depression (now in some kind of remission), complex PTSD, BPD, GAD, to name but a few. I also have dissociative states, self harm difficulties, psychotic episodes (audio and visual) and some manic states.
over the last 4 years I have been on every type of med going and in every combination. usually things work for a few weeks then stop. a year ago I finally found a combo that worked - lamotrigine and duloxetine with diazepam. That was until about 6 weeks ago I started getting down again and psych increased dose of duloxetine - from there I got really ill. ended up having to cold turkey off all my meds - mental health ones and physical health ones (hormones, thyroxine, blood pressure, metformin), which in turn meant had really rough few weeks. I had a complete two week break from meds to flush my system, but emotionally I couldn't cope. I was hearing voices and seeing visions day and night, I was having crazy nightmares and started self harming again. I was in and out of hospital. Eventually saw my psych last week and she has put me on Risperidone and Lorazepam at a fairly high start dose, to get me through this week until I see her new years eve. Im lucky in that I see my psych every 2-3 weeks since my care co-ordinator dropped my case.
I work full time - with teenagers. Its very hard, but its only thing that keeps me going. Had a year off sick in 2012, but luckily they kept my job open for me. I had 6 months of counselling through a trauma charity, but it didn't work out and made things worse. Cant have full psychotherapy yet as im not deemed stable enough, but my psych is looking into EMDR therapy and similar. I did a short course of distress tolerance, taken from DBT course last year, but was nothing I don't already know.

So, think that kind of sums me up. Im married, no kids. oh - and have had 3 psych admission to wards so far and countless 136 sections over last few years. Ive slit my wrist and needed surgery, police cut me down from hanging, ive been talked down off bridges several times and woken up in rescus numerous times after ODs.

but, for now, im still here.

25-12-13, 14:03
Hi Chincilla,

First hope you have a good xmas day.You have found a good place for support and chit chat if needed. Wishing you all the best

Steve :)

25-12-13, 15:57
thanks Steve.

Not really into xmas. its just me and hubby and no family nearby so quite boring. roll on 6th Jan when things get back to 'normal' in terms of the real world anyway

25-12-13, 18:22
Hi Chinchilla and welcome to the forum

29-12-13, 10:14
hi ray, thank you