View Full Version : Raised lymph nodes - cancer fear

25-12-13, 14:22
Please can anyone help. Mum noticed my right side of neck was swollen Sunday. Then I started to panic and feel a bit sick etc which is normal for me with HA.

Then I saw GP on Mon who thought tooth infection as my wisdom tooth is playing up again. Gave me ABs (Clarithromycin) and told me to see dentist. I said i was worried about leukaemia or lymphoma. Said unlikely and if hasn't gone down in 1/2 weeks go back for blood tests but do go to dentist.

Saw dentist yesterday and dentist said wisdom tooth is inflamed and that could cause the swelling but not necessarily. However, she said don't worry. I am now absolutely terrified and can't distract myself. My throat feels as though it is slightly sore and maybe something blocking it a little bit. The doc felt my neck but not my throat but there are no lumps. It is not painful. My tooth isn't as bad as it has been but I know my lymph nodes did go up last time when it was bad.

I feel tired and nauseus but I am in the process of moving house at the weekend and have exams at the beginning of jan and so have been even more stressed than usual so don't know if this has contributed.

Just want to enjoy Christmas but feel unable to move.

Please help.

25-12-13, 14:45
You have seen a doc + dentist, which is great! Many things can cause the neck to be swollen, including flu, strep throat, tooth, etc... I am sure it is one of these things. More sinister things tend to have other symptoms, and they wouldn't come on so suddenly. Try not to worry, I am sure you will be better soon.

25-12-13, 14:48
thanks Robin. I do feel a bit tired but on Saturday I was walking the dogs in the wind and rain. Mum says if I had leukaemia or lymphoma I would be very, very tired etc. I do feel tired etc but I do tend to freeze when I have a bad attack of HA.

I am trying to man up (as per the post I saw on this message board). I need to get dressed and enjoy my time rather than worrying, I know.

I am trying ...

25-12-13, 14:50

Like Robin321 you have been to the dentist and doctor which is good. Please do not Google about it.

25-12-13, 15:03
I have to agree do not google these symptoms, I have had raised nodes for about 18 months now and I'm still here. If your GP is not concerned then try and believe that you are ok.

25-12-13, 15:18

I had head and neck cancer and the fact that your doctor and dentist are not concerned speaks volumes. It's VERY likely this is due to an infection due to your wisdom teeth. Take your antibiotics. The rule of thumb is: If the swelling doesn't go down in a couple of weeks after you're done the antibiotics, see your doctor.

Oral cancer/head and neck cancer often has no symptoms and takes a long time before it makes itself known. You wouldn't all of a sudden wake up with a swollen gland and scratchy throat and have it. The doctors told me I most likely had it for upwards of a year before it showed itself.

Now, go enjoy your Christmas and eat lots of chocolate :)

Positive thoughts

19-01-14, 17:28
Hi just an update. It is not my teeth. first ENT thought goitre but second says probably cyst or lipoma but two week wait again now for ultrasound (tomorrow) and MRI (Tuesday after). I am scared. Bloods are all ok but that doesn't mean it isnt my worst fear.

I am trying to be brave but now I have a tummy pain too. Think might be a strain but scared it is a secondary tumour. I know that is stupid esp as doc said cancer doesn't go up and down but my neck has.

Any words of wisdom?

---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:21 ----------

oh doc said not lymph nodes and not lymphoma. But could still be cancer but thinks it is not sinister.

20-01-14, 07:19
sorry to boost but anyone got any thoughts. Ultrasound b today band scared.

20-01-14, 22:24
Hi Mattie

How did you get on? I hope all went well.x

21-01-14, 09:07
Better than expected thanks. Radiographer was sure it was a cyst to the point of saying he wouldn't biopsy as didn't want to risk infection. no sign of calcification, anything solid etc. Just liquid. MRI and consultant next Tuesday.

21-01-14, 12:11
Fab news!!!

21-01-14, 22:26