View Full Version : Side effects?

25-12-13, 18:34
Merry Christmas to everyone,
I've been since a week now on 40 mg prozac fluoxetine, today I felt very down and sick-like, I'm very concerned and feeling dizzy and not myself, panicking and sad sad sad. I feel like vomiting and feels like a fire in my stomach since the morning. I had some wine yesterday but didn't drink much though. I've been on 20 mg since a year now, but due to a blip I moved to 40 mg of course with a GP recommendation. I need you to tell me if you experienced this after increasing the dose, please help me it will be appreciated. My Doctor says in a week or so I'll start feeling the good results. I need a message of hope, I've been crying for the last two hours.
Thank you

26-12-13, 03:05
I have had anxiety for 30 years and honestly dont agree wirh the meds, all of yhe side effects givebys feelings we hate and are fighting in the first place, I have loraxapan and take when I realky need to, a good
Breathing app or video helps too. Side effects are a terrible feeling and you need to out weigh the two. I would get off them and ask for something else. Naturally remedies like bach flower may help. Good luck xo

26-12-13, 11:47
Thanks for your answer tt ... But I really need someone's answer who got throught what I'm going throught.. Best wishes