View Full Version : New

25-12-13, 23:27
Hi everyone, i am new to this forum! I have suffered from Health Anxiety for almost 3 months, although i don't have panic attacks anymore, i still seem to have every single symptom there is to have from anxiety. :weep: i find it really hard to do every day things as i have aches and pains and when they go away im always worried that they will come back, and then all of a sudden BAM!! There back. And of course i have the fear that i have something seriously wrong with me and find it hard to see my future!! Would love to talk to people in the same situation as me..

26-12-13, 10:12
Hi worried and :welcome: to the forum you will find loads of support here form fellow members

26-12-13, 12:38
Hi WorriedG! Welcome to the forum. I'm sure that you're going to meet manynpeople who understand what you're going through. I know the forum has been a huge help to me. Good luck.

27-12-13, 07:14
Thankyou that's good to no,, just really want to get past this horrible thing!!!!