View Full Version : Lump Armpit

Cú Chulainn
26-12-13, 00:19
I suffer from slight HA.
For the last few months I've had a massive spot/lump under my armpit.
It hurts like hell. And busts every 2 days then calms down for a few day before repeating the cycle all over again.
I'm going to see my GP in the new year, but was wondering if anyone ever had this.

26-12-13, 01:41
Well I'm not a doctor, but this sounds like a chronic abscess to me.

Going to your doctor is the best idea as it may be that you will need a course of antibiotics to kill the infection, or, it may need to be drained properly.

I shouldn't worry or panic about it as it will clear up once you've had the appropriate treatment. :)

26-12-13, 02:56
I agree sounds like it needs something to dry it up. A pkugged gland maybe, keep off deodorant and soaps away to see if its a reaction.

Cú Chulainn
26-12-13, 19:40
Thanks guys
Its just the recurring nature of it thats worrying me.
Merry Christmas!

27-12-13, 01:17
I get this. I had to get antibodics for it and now it's gone.

Cú Chulainn
28-12-13, 04:19
Thanks for replying
Means a lot