View Full Version : fainting

26-12-13, 02:47
I had the flu yesterday and still do today. I was sleeping for 4 hours
and got up to take out my contacts. I started to sweat and then I fainted.
I am now scared to no end. I didn't go to the hospital but will see
my doctor friday. anyone ever experience this

26-12-13, 09:03
Hi tt, I've never personally experienced this with the flu, but just remember that flu is tough on your body and can make you feel very weak. You're also probably not eating or drinking as much as usual so you might be a bit wobbly because of that too.

Seeing your doc is a good idea, but in the mean time do your best not to worry and just take of yourself the best way you can x

26-12-13, 10:50
I agree. You also said you just got up - even doing that too quickly can often make you feel light headed (it can me anyway) so that paired with the fact you were ill anyway I think could certainly have contributed. See your GP purely for peace of mind