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26-12-13, 10:42
I'm Mel and have GAD and depression. I've been lucky enough to have some excellent therapy but have 'been on my own' for a few months now.

I have had a bit of food poisoning the last few days and my anxiety has come back with a vengeance. I've been close to panic attacks a number of times but only just about been able to stop them. Following my theory I wouldn't even get close to a panic attack because I'd be able to stop the anxiety way before it got that far.

I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself because it's Christmas!


Catherine S
26-12-13, 23:24
Just wanted to say Hi Mel, sorry you're feeling so rough just now...alot of anxiety becomes worse at this time of year and panic attacks are no joke I know. I once read in a self-help book that us anxies are among the strongest people, even if we think the opposite. Struggling to live with panic and fear takes alot of courage and strength, so be a little bit proud of yourself. The thing is though that fighting the panic and then waiting for it to happen takes all our energy and this puts us into almost permenant tension which just makes the symptoms worse. Allowing panic to come and go without fighting it so much is the hardest thing to do. I'm sorry to hear your therapy sessions have ended and you're obviously feeling lost, but stay in touch with others here and you will slowly start to feel you're not alone with this.

Take Care