View Full Version : Horrible cough

26-12-13, 11:12
Hey. I need your advice I have had a cough for over a week now mostly at night really bad it feels like I have to constantly clear my throat, well today it's got MUCH worse, I woke up lost my voice for at least an hour before it came back but my throat hurts and feels weird and I have a croaky voice now. I am super worried about it being pneumonia I am only 14 but if it's
that I will be dead basically. My mum says it's nothing wrong, she doesn't take anything seriously she thinks it's just laryngitis or something but I feel so so weak and ill :(

26-12-13, 11:40
Hi Izzy, sorry you're feelin so bad around Christmas time, that's never fun. My gran has a similar thing, she's been coughing a lot over the last week and has had no voice for a few days. It's just going around at this time of year.

Believe me if it was pneumonia your mum would know it, you'd be extremely sick and likely wouldn't even feel up to typing on the forum! Remember that while pneumonia is a bad illness, it's not really deadly especially to someone of your age. It's very treatable and most people with it don't even need to go to the hospital, they just take antibiotics and stay at home. It's usually very elderly people who have to be cared for in particular with pneumonia, but at your fresh & healthy 14 years you'd be strong enough to beat it off with no problems :)

Remember too that your mum cares for you and loves you, and she will always make sure that you get the care you need. She has your best interests at heart, and will take care of you :)

26-12-13, 11:49
Sorry you are feeling poorly. What you describe sounds like laryngitis although I'm not a medic! I had pmeumonia when I was 21 and more than 30 years later I am still around so it isn't always deadly in a young person. Believe me you would know if you had it. I was in agony and hardly had a cough at all - it is all much lower down than your throat. I didn't need to even go to hospital, just a couple of courses of antibiotics. Hope you feel better soon