View Full Version : Breathing and anxiety scaring me stupid :(

26-12-13, 16:16
I've not had this anxiety symptom befor but lately it's driving me mad it feels like I'll stop breathing it's worrying me so I'm focussing on it feels like Umbria g smotherd and will pass out any moment does anyone get this and if so how do u deal with it ?

26-12-13, 21:21
i do get this but not as much as i used to. i used to have panic attacks over it but now i don,t i just let them pass. i hang with my kids,or i act silly,sing. ect............

26-12-13, 21:44
My biggest problem with anxiety is over my breathing. It is the thing I have always found the hardest. I know its hard but you need to remember you won't just stop breathing. That with the smothering feeling and feeling like your going to pass out sounds like hyperventilation and/or a panic attack. Do you feel dizzy and have you heart racing aswell? I am suffering with this too but just remember its anxiety it cant hurt you! and try to distract yourself :)
Becky xx

26-12-13, 22:25
I had a ambulance out last week all checks was fine blood pressure was perfect he said oxygen levels was 99% said there was nothing that was saying anything was going on I went to the doctors on Monday told her that I felt like I could breath was feeling dizzy she listened to my lungs listens to my heart said my pulse was fairly regular everything was ok but still today the feeling is getting worse it's the scariest thing ever x

26-12-13, 22:44
Do you feel like you cant breathe like its hard to do so or that you're not getting enough air? Or do you worry that you will just stop breathing? I get the feeling I cant breathe when actually Im taking too much air in and hyperventilating. When I hyperventilate I then get a tight chest which makes me scared x

26-12-13, 23:14
I feel like I can't breath like I'll just stop my bresthing its do scary I also suffer from acid I have an hiatus hernia I'm feeling so worried ATM x