View Full Version : New here!

26-12-13, 17:10
Hi all. I've been lurking for a bit since realizing my health anxiety has taken over. About 3 or so weeks ago I started with what seemed like a simple back ache that started the anxiety snowball down the hill. A week later I was convinced I had a B12 deficiency (or tumor on my brain and/or spine).

I'm now on day 10 of Celexa. Lovely medicine with oodles of side effects. I know I need to commit to it for the long haul before I should get discouraged. I'm feeling optimistic it's going to help though. Already feeling better mentally, just dealing with a nasty array of side effects.

Hoping once I get my emotions and anxiety back down to tolerable levels I can pursue other therapy methods.

I'm a 39 year old mother of two and a stay at home Mom. Thankfully my kids are old enough they don't need me as much as they did when little so I have time to take care of myself. Curious to see how well I do when I use my doctor instead of Dr. Google. :doh:

26-12-13, 17:27
Hi Edna - I'm sorry to hear you are suffering with anxiety in this way but it is great to hear that you are feeling better mentally and feeling optimistic. Dr Google has a lot to answer for despite being a wonderful help in many ways too - I wish you well with your recovery. I think just having the time to take care of yourself is half the battle and so I am glad to see that that seems to be ok for you too :-)