View Full Version : palps when taking a deep breathe?

26-12-13, 18:47
Hello bought a bike trying to get in better shape went on a 6 mole ride today around the 3 mile mark I noticed when I would take a deep breathe my heart fluttered? Everytime. Soon as I stopped they went away ow that I'm sitting down I can take deep breathes with no palps I googled and it was terrifying, anyideas.? 6'2 260lb large build

26-12-13, 18:54
Is this your first ride?

Positive thoughts

26-12-13, 19:11
No been riding steady for a 2 weeks or so, also have a minor bug. I get excersize modes every once in a while but then get out of it.

26-12-13, 19:20
No been riding steady for a 2 weeks or so, also have a minor bug. I get excersize modes every once in a while but then get out of it.

Well the bug certainly can put a wrinkle in the shirt tails and if you've had time off, jumping back in where you left off will do some damage as well. I remember when I was heavy into the gym, if I missed more than a week for any reason, it put me behind the 8 ball and had to build back up again.

Palps are a symptom of anxiety as you know and with that and the above, that's what it probably is but if it continues, get it checked out.

Positive thoughts