View Full Version : What The Specialist Said

13-11-06, 19:04
Hi guys. Sorry for the length of this post. I have been increasingly low recently, so sought more help from my GP, who referred me to the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Trust (NHS)

Here is what they said.

"On discussion you said you have been drinking more than usual lately, up to 40 units of alcohol per day, although you said that very recently you have reduced this to 12 - 12 units a day. You take no street drugs. You tend to go to bed around 4 or 5 am and don't get up until midday. You report feeling lethargic most of the time. You say you tend to spend a lot of time on the Internet talking with fellow sufferers which you find very supportive.

You said that your mood has dropped from a 6, to a 10 (10 being the most depressed). You have lost some hope recently that your situation will ever change for the better. Throughout your assessment you were reactive and spontaneous, engaged well, answered our questions fully and were able to concentrate throughout the assessment. We also commented on how easy you were to talk to and noticed you were able to laugh and share a joke.

The plan we have discussed with you was that you would reduce your alcohol intake and reverse your sleep pattern. We felt that some of your behaviours, such as sleeping through the day were compounding your difficulties as it meant you didn't have to face daily life. We discussed the need for you to motivate yourself, to address your Agoraphobia and that this responsibility lies with you.

Since your assessment, I have spoken to Dr **** and he has agreed to consider a referral to his team to work out the most appropriate plan of care. He feels that this cannot happen until your alcohol intake has reduced in the first instance, and you should aim to be abstinent, or reduce to under 20 units per week.

I hope this explanation of our meeting and our conclusions are an accurate account of your circumstances."

Well, I would like your feedback, as they have basically told me that if I don't stop drinking (I know my alcohol intake is higher than normal) then I WILL NOT get any help. Also I would like to add that they didn't offer any assistance with regards to my alcohol intake. Your thoughts please.

Kind Regards

Ross xxx

Is There Really Gravity, Or Does Earth Just Suck?

13-11-06, 19:11
Hi Ross

The answer is simple just lie to them tell them what they want to hear!!!!

I was told 3 yrs ago if i dident stop drinking i couldent have cbt so i lied and got the cbt which worked well

That said booze can make the symptoms worse and if you feel that you have a problem call AA i believe they are good

Hope this is some help

Luv Kaz xxx

13-11-06, 19:16

Is it possible for you to cut back on the drink as they suggest? Easy for me to say I know as I don't drink.

I know they do say drinking can interfere with recovery, because sometimes alcohol is used as a crutch, kinda helps you to forget your anxiety, so I guess what they are saying is for you to recover you need to lose all the things that you use to help you block the anxiety out.

They probably just want to give you the best start with the recovery as possible.

Did you ask them if they could help you with your alcohol intake at all?


Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

13-11-06, 19:22
Oh,you get these silly letters too,after seeing the shrink.:D
I always laugh at them and then throw in the bin.
Of course you drink because of the problems.
When they ask me if I drink,I always say no but I do have binges now and then.
Well,tell em that you have reduced the ale and then start cutting down whilst getting treated,aiiight? ;)

Love & light to you x

13-11-06, 19:25

I don't see why they won't offer you help until you cut the alcohol - that seems a bit silly. Surely the two things go hand-in-hand. You are drinking cos you are depressed and need help for that to help with the drinking.

Maybe cut down a bit and try to sleep at night and get up during the day so it looks as though you are making some sort of effort at least.

Maybe if you asked the doctor he could offer some support with the drinking if you want to go down that route.

Hopefully you will get the help you need soon - I hope so mate.

Good luck with it all.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

14-11-06, 19:35
Thankies for your replies. It pretty much confirms my initial thoughts.

I haven't had a drink for a couple of nights now, and although it is very difficult, I think I can probably achieve a lower alcohol intake by myself. If I don't, then it doesn't say much about me as a person eh? After all, if I cant help myself, who can help me. I guess I will still enjoy a few beverages on a weekend, but other times I have to be more self disciplined.

I will keep you updated on how everything is going. I will be contacting the Doc in a couple of weeks, to let her know that I have dramatically reduced my drinking, and see what is on offer then.

Many Many Thanks for your continuing support. Your all great!

Kind Regards

Ross xxx

Is There Really Gravity, Or Does Earth Just Suck?

15-11-06, 01:00
hey chowdaaaaaaaaaaa

well i will have to say this from experirnce ok hun.......the alcohol is a depressant ...god i drank almost everyday when i became agraphobic because i wanted to just numb myself and feel like my ole self....until the next day it was there again..I started to abusive it big time,until something opened my eyes and I gave it up completely....It wasnt easy believe me....and you need some good sleep my friend and get up at a decent time and after awile i can promise this to you...you will feel somewhat normal should I say cause sleepin all day is just a waste of life and makes ya feel lousy ....you need the sunshine on ya face the fresh air.....Im only saying this cause i care and like i said been thru it and seen many go thru it and they got more depressed with a drink so drank again to forget ya know what im saying.....doctors no.they dont wanna hear that your drinking I know not here anyways...they want you to think with a clear mind thats why and to help you with ya depression they cant if ya just feeding it......thats my opinion anyways...I wish you all the best and yes they could of offered some help with the drinking if ya think ya cant stop....Im here for ya one who knows ...........take care my chowdaaaaaaaaa wish you all the best it will all come together Ross....just hang tough big kisses and hugs to ya................Linda xxxxxxxxxxxx[8D]