View Full Version : Are we getting enough help Do they know what to do with us ???

26-12-13, 21:32
hi I suffer from the usual as id class it as upper levels of anxiety .... most things affect me anxiety related.. the smallest of things will give me a fuzzy head where its hard to function normally ... i do manage to function ( just )but i am feeling it a bit more than other times latley( mabe its because its christmas)when even my safe space is not really working i have a richual when im feeling stressed for no reason :) get in bed glass of diet coke lay on my side and watch a film or go on face book anything to relive the chest pains and the feeling of choking works 99% of the time...

I have a friend who also suffers from anxiety his came on when his EX left him and took the kids after finding out she had been sleeping with another one of his friends and it all happend with in 24 hrs so the lads had a hard time ended up in A&E as had no feeling down one side expected heart attack but was just anxiety ....

well we were shopping over Christmas we go together makes it better as were not pushy with where we go we both have agraphobia like most of people with panick related issues.. any way we wre talking about the last couple of years and we both realised with a poor standard of life we now have its scarey at how much you dont do when you speak to some one im only speaking for my self but socialising to me is not top of my list of things to do even beeing in my car with an unfurmilul,ar passenger can start me off i must sound likt a right nut job but over the last few months i have become aware of a few of the people suffering with anxietyl related issues.

any way to the point ive been through the meat grinder of the NHS.

1. go to doctor get fobbed off 1st time breath deep fight or flight bla bla !
2. go to doctors because your at your wits end this is usally after going to A&E thinking the dreades herat attach has got you AGAIN
get the usual beta blockers or mabe citralopam its all pretty routine stuff i think.
3. then the self referal to single point of access team with no training tells you to go out and says fight or flight about 20 times per secession.
4. cbt and this is for a select few i did push hard to get on it and only waited a few months i was ringing every day saying i was going to report them bla bla got me seen quicker.

well any not much really helped me the cbt is good but you are restricted to so many secions and the funny thing is with new meds / therapy your always positive this is the cure when going to these things so at theripy i was always on one of my good days looking forward to getting home to tell some one about these new skills ive learnt.

slowly getting to the point in the few poeple i know with anxiety issues there has been a slow decline in there physical healyth (my frend has gone from 18 -25 stone in 2 yrs) weather it be weight loss increase or the side affects of the meds and i have hads some horrendous side affects the citralopam zombies i call them speaking to some one on a high dose of citralopam is like talking to a tampon :roflmao: i am one of them so i do know.

I feel like some times the doctors don't know what to do i spent 45 minutes with my doctor once she is a lovley person and does seam to care but has no answers and i can speak for my self that my standard of living is not healthy like i said my personal saftey behaviour is my bed i know we all have different ones.... but belive me i ****FORCE**** my self to get out the house and i sit at work fuzzy headed all day to put the food on the table and pay the morgage i was lucky i had a good job before the anxiety because if i didnt i would never be out my Bed only down side is my job is thinking and problem solving so ant depressants arnt good for my work when im sat there looking in to space ..:weep:

Im wondering if this year i should throw my self in to the therapy and meat grinder of the nhs i will admit at times im not on the meds as i should be as i feel that ill from the citralopam i just carnt take it the accid i get from it is on another level im just wondering what my next step is as in with my life and My friend anxiety for 2014 mabe i need to accept it will be something in my life forever i very sickening though as i dont have many friends left these days 3 christmases ago i got over 100 christmas text messages this year i got 2 and funny enough not off people im good friends with just Facebook friends i hardly know again this comes back to the standard of living will me will me pushing my self to go to asda and fight the fight or flight responce realy change the other 23 hrs a day of my life where some days im living in nothing short of hell.

This is not some one with anxiety over thinking things i want to make some possitive steps and i know everything there is to know about meds anxiety its self i but im just trying to work out my self or with your help what the next option is and i value the people of this forum more than any one else because YOU do understand and some times we do need a HARD push in the right direction.:yesyes:

PS , this is not one of thoes threads "im dieing " some one help me " nothing like that the dynamix of anxiety i am all to fermilular with just wondering what i should do and others may be doing for the next 12 months

26-12-13, 23:05
I think you're onto something here, in that doctors don't have anything that's a well-known and immediate fix for anxiety disorders in the way that they can stitch up a laceration or set a broken limb. If you've known anybody with just about any kind of chronic disorder or illness it's pretty similar. Some doctors are better than others at getting on your team while you experiment with different possibilities for helping a chronic problem, but ultimately it really is try A; A doesn't work, try B; okay, what about B + A; what about throwing some Z in there? And the thing is, for some people A does work, or B+A works, or Z really helped, while for others it doesn't; you just have to keep trying the alphabet.

The tendency of people with HA to go to walk-ins, urgent care, etc, with their anxiety symptoms can also mean that there's no single medical point putting the pieces together without being asked. So people who are still convinced that what they're experiencing is not anxiety-related don't necessarily have a doctor who will say "Your concern about these multiple diseases suggests health anxiety."

I don't think the situation is necessarily anybody's fault any more than it's somebody's fault we don't have jetpacks--it's just not something the system has solved at this point. And I don't find the US much different in this respect, so I don't think it's an NHS thing.

That's another reason why I think encouraging action is so important. This really isn't something that medicine can neatly intervene and fix for us, so we have to be

26-12-13, 23:14
yeah i totally agree and thats my point the 1000s of people suffer every day with no real let off from it ...

A doctor can prescribe meds that make you worse if that was a broken arm with i miss diagnosis some injury lawyer would be looking for a big fat cheque to give you for it its as if mental health is that miss understood that no one realy knows what to do with it.

I sometimes feel there is no real help im doing a university study in to it im the patient not the person studying it something my doctor put me in to where i do an online cbt course and let them know how its working its laughable honestly the questions are written by some one with no knowledge of anxiety its all based around self harming and suicidal thoughts... kind of a how does this and that make you feel ....

the lecturer has said that it may be main stream to put people on to the course with mental health issues .

so are we not mental health patients ?? or are we ?? makes my head spin where to go next !