View Full Version : anyone shed some light on what fear I have pls

26-12-13, 23:44
I was just wondering if anyone could help. I have a fear of taking tablets. It's not of the side effect so I Don't think it's Pharmacophobia.
I have a fear of it being in my blood stream and feeling trapped once it's there of not being able to get it out. I Google half life of things. Even daily stuff like caffeine and what's in chocolate to see how long it will be in my blood. When I think about it's got to the time of absorption I start to feel scared and trapped. I've tried to Google it but I can't find anything
It's really starting to affect my life
Hope you can help Thanku

27-12-13, 00:19
Tablets start to dissolve as soon as they start to work their way through your system, no chance of them getting trapped, don't worry, and if you need tablets for anything, ask doc for liquid form if possible?

27-12-13, 08:20
I will and Thanku for reply. It's like I think Oh no there in there now and can't get them out even daft caffeine. There just no info on it at all

27-12-13, 09:32
I know what you mean actually. When I hear about women who have birth control injections that last three months or something, it horrifies me that you could put something into your body that has adverse effects on you for three months and not be able to reverse it. Is that sort of what you mean? I can be a bit this way with things myself although in my case it's mild, it's just I have the thoughts but not enough to stop taking stuff. However when I was pregnant, I was VERY much this way. I was terrified of the effect of everything on the baby and wouldn't take anything at all and spent ages researching the effects of all alerts of food and medication. Anyway, I am rambling as usual, but I just wanted to say that I get what you mean.

27-12-13, 10:28
Hi diddler, I just wanted to say that I don't think it's very important to put a label on what type of fear this is so dont worry too much about trying to find a name for it.

What is clear is that what you're having are irrational thoughts about taking medicine, and that's all a part of anxiety.

CBT would be good for you, it will help you learn to control how you think and to think in a more rational way so that you're less anxious all the time. Have you ever thought about giving it a try?

27-12-13, 11:51
Hiya cattia
Yeah that's exactly what I mean. At one point when I was pregnant I had panics that I had a baby inside me because I felt trapped. I could definitely not do injection pill. I've even stopped eating chocolate what I love because it contains caffeine: (

---------- Post added at 11:51 ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 ----------

Hiya honeylove
I know I think I'm just trying to find how to deal with it. I have cbt at the moment. Not really that far into it. But she wants me to sit threw the panics instead of giving into my distraction. But it's so hard especially when every time it can bring new symptom. Think I'm scared the panic will last the whole time it's in my system. I can literally sit there thinking Oh no it's absorbed now and set off a panic

Daisy Sue
27-12-13, 11:53
I completely understand this fear.. I've got that many allergies, that when I have to take something new I panic quietly for around 48 hours after. Like this year I had the flu jab, first time in years, and right up until the nurse was injecting it, I was in 2 minds whether to stop her or not.. but I've managed to develop a calming "what will be will be" kind of thinking, and that helps, despite my underlying fears. I know that if I have a reaction, something can be done if it's serious, and if it's not, I'll get over it.

It's a real shame you've stopped having chocolate! Do you suffer from palpitations, or migraines? If not, then I'd say chocolate would be absolute fine - and it's happy food :)

27-12-13, 12:00
Hiya Daisy Sue
No it's myself that causes palpation, and I love chocolate. It's the fear of the caffeine in my system from it. I have to take pain killers daily because of the tension headache my anxiety causes. I know sometime the build up is worse. But I do get them quite bad all way threw thinking there still in blood stream :huh:

27-12-13, 16:19
I can't help you but thought I would share when I read the title I thought what is pls? I thought it was a new illness! Lol! I hope your feeling better!

Daisy Sue
27-12-13, 16:26
Hiya Daisy Sue
No it's myself that causes palpation, and I love chocolate. It's the fear of the caffeine in my system from it. I have to take pain killers daily because of the tension headache my anxiety causes. I know sometime the build up is worse. But I do get them quite bad all way threw thinking there still in blood stream :huh:

How deeply have you analysed that particular fear - caffeine? What exactly are you worried about it doing to you? They put caffeine in lots of painkiller-type medicines, and other preparations so it's a safe ingredient, and I'd say only to be avoided if you have known conditions (like heart irregularities) where you've been told to by a doctor.

28-12-13, 10:33
Hiya tinker. Ha sorry I didn't really word it very well.and sorry for late reply Daisy Sue was working. Not really scared of anything other than I can't get it out of my system. I actually made myself throw up yesterday after eating chocolate because it's got theobromine in it and it's got a half life of 7 hours. It's really ruining my life at min. This time last month I would stuff my face with chocolate. To be honest I've felt worse with my anxiety since stopping smoking in may :-(

---------- Post added at 10:33 ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 ----------

And sorry I have analysed it quite a lot. I've constantly Googled it x