View Full Version : New, random and scary symptoms :/

27-12-13, 02:30
Hi I just joined this forum after just browsing other peoples posts and noticed how much it has helped me, so I could help others if I know answers to their questions :). But recently I have been diagnosed with C.F.S, Depersonalization,OCD, and social phobia. I started taking B12 for the depersonalization and it has cured me of the spaced out feeling but I still have the same repepetitive thoughts... like "I am not real", "this is all a dream", "the universe cannot be real" and I still daydream alot and picture random scenarios in my mind like what I would say in an interview on a certain subject. This really scared me because it makes me feel crazy, why would I imagine myself in scenarios like, interviews/fights/plane crashes/muggings, and sometimes I do it and I barely notice untill near the end of the day dream. The B12 has helped me with my harm ocd too but it hasnt got rid of the thoughts either its just made me not have any emotional fear asociated with them, which is good but now im terrified that I have no fear/guilt when I get these intrusive thoughts, maybe I have changed and I am a bad person? It would help greatly to know if any others have been cured of the spaced out feeling of depersonalization but still have the questions and not feel 100% normal, almost foggy but not space out. Also if these random daydream scenarios which I enter in are normal.

02-01-14, 13:42
I have this right now and have had it for the past 3 months. I hate it so much. Does b12 really help?? I have tried so hard to find any cure for it. 'Is this real' is the most awful thought ever. And yes I too picture my self in random scenarios and it makes me feel insane and then I scream at my brain to stop but then I just feel more crazy. But recently I've been thinking that maybe I've always pictured these things but now with anxiety and well healthanxiety I just notice them and think of the worst like 'this is a sign of psycosis' eventhough it's not. Hope you feel better soon!

05-01-14, 04:12
Yes B12 helps so much with the spaced out feeling, but the thoughts still stay which is really blizzard and stressful. I also worry everyday a out psychosis even though I know people with psychosis don't know they are going a bit crazy :/ Thanks for the reply and good luck with your recovery