View Full Version : Anxiety and vision problems

27-12-13, 06:09

i've had DP/DR (with no visuals) before years ago, but I was able recover. This leads me to believe that I'm prone to anxiety.

My problems began after obsessing that I had HPPD, which is an illness that happens to 1 out 50,000 lsd users. I'm not an abuser of the drug, it was tried once and I was perfectly fine for about 3 weeks.

Yet in my head I kept overanalyzing and obsessing. I started looking for visual distortions until I found them. It started with static vision, THE MORE I researched the symptoms and the more negativity that added to myself the worst the became.

I developed floaters, starbursts, ghosted vision( at night when the lights of my car hits a stop sign I see kinda like a double vision until I'm really close), tinnitus, after images( of any objects, especially bright ones), a random white flash, and halos around lights.

Before, when I was convinced that I had permanently destroyed my life it was horrible. Panic attacks, plus all the symptoms made my life a living hell. Later I learned that all of this could be created by anxiety. I refused to acknowledge this, I couldn't believe that "anxiety" could create such debilitating symptoms.

By the second month of all this I went to my GP. To me, he did not felt too convincing, he was not worried at all. He said that it was all due to anxiety, I went to the optometrist who found that I had developed mild astigmatism. The new glasses helped with the ghosting symptoms a lot. I went to an opthamologist who found nothing wrong with my eyes "golden retina" he said..

I began to calm myself down and decided to take a different perspective to my problems. I accepted that I was actually suffering from anxiety. I started taking a low dose of antidepressants, also ignoring my symptoms has helped.

Now I stand on my third month. I feel better, and I'm no longer obsessed with my symptoms. I would even say that some of them have even abated a little bit. I am highly convinced that I suffer from anxiety but I need reassurance. I'd like honesty, please let me know if you recognize my symptoms. :unsure:

28-12-13, 20:09
what antidepressant are you on? do u think thats whats helped. i suffer with 24/7 dizziness and have trpuble with my vision more like brain fog its horrible and worse when im tired x

29-12-13, 04:01
what antidepressant are you on? do u think thats whats helped. i suffer with 24/7 dizziness and have trpuble with my vision more like brain fog its horrible and worse when im tired x

I use buspirone, is very mild and non addictive. I believe that it did helped me a bit, but what has helped me the most is ignoring the symptoms; and actually recognizing that I have anxiety and nothing else ( I've been having a hard time accepting that. Even NOW after 3 months I'm still not 100% sure that I have anxiety and not HPPD. That is why I'm here looking for reassurance. I believe that once I'm sure, I will be able to let go and move on with my life.

29-12-13, 17:45
People with HPPD seem to respond to antidepressants too. I wouldn't worry about having HPPD too much though - I have visual snow which I developed whilst on citalopram (I'm unsure if its related to the citalopram use or whether it just came on by itself), and even though I've been off it for a few months its still there. I've looked online for information about it, almost to the point of obsession, but now that I'm on another antidepressant I don't worry about it so much.

It seems that people who developed visual snow and other HPPD symptoms generally used substances like LSD for a long period of time. Its rare to get it after just one use. I'd be tempted to think that anxiety may be the main reason for your worries.

Even if you do have HPPD though - what can you do about it? Generally, our brains and bodies are particularly good at repairing themselves - if you do have it, there's no reason to suggest you'll have it forever. Its the same with things like PSSD (Post ssri sexual dysfunction). However, when you're in an anxious or depressed state its easy to assume the worst.

29-12-13, 20:25
My doctor believe that all my problems have to do with anxiety. I wish I was certain of this, but I can't be because. My doctor has no knowledge about hppd. I've seen people with symtomps like mine and worse in this forums. I can't stop thinking it about it...I also don't suffer from any migraines like some of them do.

29-12-13, 21:07
Do you think you had the vision problems all the time, and that simply thinking about them made you aware of them?

30-12-13, 00:53
Do you think you had the vision problems all the time, and that simply thinking about them made you aware of them?

It's hard to say, but I would say no. Everyone has after images but mines are really bad, the floaters were probably there since everyone has them, yet I never saw them until now.

30-12-13, 01:33
Help me please I am zoning in and out of conversations panic attacks agoraphobia dizziness can't hear what people are saying please someone help me