View Full Version : Worried about partners cystoscopy

Bet jim
27-12-13, 08:15
Hi I suffer with anxiety and depression and have been taking citalapram now for over 2 years. I've had CBT and that seems to have really helped. However just over a week ago my partner visited the doctor because he had a tingling feeling when passing urine. The doctor thought it was an infection and gave him antibiotics but just to be on the safe side decided to take blood tests and arranged for him to have a cystoscopy . The infection seems to have cleared.
He is having that done today and I am in a state of panic with the most horrible feelings of anxiety. All rational thought has gone out of my head!
Can some one please reassure me - or should I prepare myself for the worst?

27-12-13, 18:30
My neighbour had the same procedure a few weeks ago and everything was fine. I hope all went well for your partner today?

Bet jim
27-12-13, 19:10
Thank you so much for your reply. Yes- all went well. His bladder is fine but he does have an enlarged prostate for which he has been prescribed tablets. The thing that has really bothered me is that after trying so hard to conquer my health anxiety I feel I have had a massive blip.

27-12-13, 19:17
My husband had an enlarged prostate a few years ago and is fit and well again now :)

Bet jim
27-12-13, 19:42
That's great news! Are you a worrier?

27-12-13, 19:49
Yes constantly...If I haven't got anything to worry about I worry about not worrying :D

Bet jim
27-12-13, 19:51
Me too. It's ridiculous!! Thanks again for replies and support.

27-12-13, 19:53
No problem :) xx