View Full Version : nervous breakdown :(

27-12-13, 09:40
I'm scared that what I'm going through may be a nervous breakdown :( I can't do day to day activities without feeling like I'm going to die. Just going out to the shops leaves me worrying I'm going to have a heart attack.

I'm shopping with my mum and I've got the same arm pain as Christmas day - intermittent pain in my upper left arm. I'm worried its either a heart attack or some form of lymphoma.

This happened yesterday as well and I've barely been able to eat anything.

I'm constantly scared im going to die. I don't know why this has got so bad. I can't do anything anymore :(

27-12-13, 09:52
Hi Loubelle

I feel the same way except not sure what a nervous breakdown is, what do you see it as?

I am now suffering with anxiety on and off (mostly on) all day and I can't do the little things either. I spent most of Christmas day on my own as I couldn't go to my sisters. All of yesterday I was on my own too.

I think I'm going to have a heart attack too or something along those lines.

I haven't any suggestions to you I'm afraid but I wanted you to know that you are not alone in the way you feel. I've been looking for answers for decades, when I find it, I will let you know.


27-12-13, 10:09
Hi Els

I'm sorry you're going through the same thing. Its really awful. To me the fact that I can't do daily tasks without irrational fears of something happening to me makes me feel like its a nervous breakdown.

Im so worried I've got a cancer in my armpit or arms. I'm exhausted all the time and Im oversleeping. I'm back at work on Monday and I really don't want to go back. I'm so tired.

27-12-13, 10:22
Hi Loubelle, I'm sorry that you're in such a difficult place at the moment, you seem exhausted from anxiety.

Have you spoken with your GP about how you're feeling in terms of anxiety? It sounds like you could really use some help right now and they may be able to offer some support and resources.

There's a great book on nervous breakdown called Self Help for the Nerves by Claire Weekes, it's a simple but helpful read that you might like to try. She details what happens in nervous breakdown and explains what tools will help you. I read it myself earlier this year and still refer to it, it was a huge help to me.

27-12-13, 10:34
I haven't spoken with my gp but I think I'll try and get an appointment for Monday. I'm not sure what he'll recommend but I should really go.

My grandma actually gave me her copy of that book Last year and it was my bible. I need to dig it out again really. I've been relying so heavily on this forum to give me some perspective and it does help. I just don't know how to cope by myself

27-12-13, 10:47
Hi Loubelle
You poor thing, I have a good idea just how you're feeling, I think most of us do on here.
Please go and see your GP. Write down everything that you have told us here and also any other thoughts or feelings you are having that are worrying you. Take that with you when you go so that you don't forget anything.
In the meantime, a good steady breathing technique works brilliantly. Breathe in and hold for just a second and then exhale gently. Reapeat this a few times, somewhere quiet like your bedroom or the bathroom. Just think about the breathing. You may feel your heart beat a little faster as you inhale - this is entirely normal, it needs to work a tiny bit harder to help you to breathe in, that's all. Gradually, you'll feel your anxious feelings fade. Can you take a short walk, just to the end of the street and back maybe ?
Ask your GP if there is any CBT counselling aailable in your area or, if not, if they can refer you to an online course you can follow at home.
Don't worry about work, maybe you can ask your GP for a note for a few days off as you are feeling so low at the moment.
And keep coming on here, too - this place is helping me so much.
Lisa x

27-12-13, 11:01
Hi Loubelle87, do go to your GP as it sounds like Panic attacks you are having.I had the very same as you about 5 weeks ago now,I thought I was having a heart attack and I rushed to my GP'S surgery and they put me on a heart machine and told me that my heart was fine.It was panic attack I was having ,he put me on Cipramil for panic arrack's and they take some weeks to work so he gave me some Valium for the bad days.They helped me calm down inside and its funny because its inside my body that I feel all rotten and sad .Even now being on the meds for 5 weeks I still get this horrible feeling inside and some days I too struggle to do little everyday things .Christmas was a nightmare glad its over.I am here with a great husband and 5 boys ,but I would not let them know how bad I am some days.So hunny go to your Gp and talk to them they will help you and you are not alone.There is always someone here for you.

27-12-13, 13:18
Thanks for your advice. I'm going to see if I can see my gp on Monday. I'm supposed to be at work but I should really go.

I've managed half a day shopping but had a turn in m&s and had to leave.

This forum really helps me But in the moment I lose all rationale. I'm feeling dizzy now and got a thundering headache.

I will dig out my Claire weekes book when I get home.