View Full Version : Scared I'll start 'losing my mind' when I'm alone

27-12-13, 17:08
So, I've been sick with a blood pressure condition for the past ten months. It causes large adrenaline releases and panic attacks as part of its symptoms, and I haven't been well enough to leave the house without my wheelchair. Even then, I normally feel too crappy for it to be worth it. So I've had terrible anxiety due to my severe symptoms, the adrenaline and being generally stir crazy.

Anyway, when I was ten I either saw a 'ghost' or something or hallucinated one. So it's always been a fear of mine that whatever it was would happen again, but it was a fear I normally handled. Until the other week when I was feeling very bad, started getting freaked out and then there was this terrible loud bang. Freaked the crap out of me. It was probably just the house settling really loud or something, but I can't shake the fear that I hallucinated it. And that it might happen again. So now I'm afraid I might start seeing or hearing things whenever I'm by myself.


28-12-13, 17:22
Hey freaked :)
I often have the same thoughts, you're not alone don't worry~
One of my biggest fears is going insane/crazy. When I was much much younger I used to suffer from night terrors, and occasionally I would be half awake and remember them. I was scared to even think about the hallucinations and odd things I'd said just in case it triggered another! (For example I remember once seeing hundreds of suitcases in my room and telling my parents I didn't want to go on holiday because there were too many. And one time the dressing gown on my floor was a large black hole)
Now if I'm feeling particularly edgy at night, every noise that's unfamiliar scares me half to death because I'm terrified its in my head.
Try to rationalise what may have caused the noise and attempt to block out any unwanted thoughts by distracting yourself with something you enjoy doing~
You won't go crazy, you are not crazy, its just the anxiety :hugs:
(And if you are crazy don't worry :) we can be crazy together)