View Full Version : It's never going to end

27-12-13, 17:58
Does anyone else worry when you have pain it will never stop? Like if your leg or arm or whatever is in pain you will have to live with the pain forever? My HA is changing from fear of dying to fear of always being in pain.

27-12-13, 18:12
I don't worry about it, I experience it. Due to side effects from cancer treatment, I don't go a day, hour or minute without feeling pain. I take Tramadol (a step up from OTC pain relievers) every day and will most likely the rest of my life. There are days where it's less than others but it's always there. For me a good day is saying "Wow... I hardly hurt today!"

Most people experience some kind of ache or pain at some time or another for thousands of reasons. With anxiety related pain, it's most often treated by attacking the anxiety itself or the underlying issue (muscle strain due to stress etc.). As you get older, you're going to have aches and pains... arthritis, etc. It happens and is a fact of life. Fortunately, we live in a world where pain can be treated.

I understand your fear but I don't think it's realistic to think you can go through life without some kind of physical pain at one point or another and even long term pain.

Positive and realistic thoughts ;)

27-12-13, 18:26
I understand this too. Half the time my HA revolves around being scared of something really bad, the other half it revolves around never feeling really well again. For example, last week I had tonsillitis and conjunctivitis and i convinced myself that i would have these issues with my eyes and throat forever. It seems totally ridiculous to me even now looking back. I mean, who really has conjunctivitis and tonsillitis permanently? But at the time, the fear was very real. When I get tired and run down I am always convinced I have chronic fatigue syndrome, even if the fatigue has only lasted a few days. It's like I don't trust my own body to work the way it should. It's frustrating for sure, but mostly these things do pass in time. I also agree with Fishman that it's normal to have some level of discomfort, aches, pains etc. Usually people accept them as normal but to us we have a hyper focus on them we can't accept them.

27-12-13, 18:55
Thank you! It's good to know I'm not the only with this fear!