View Full Version : continuous worry

27-12-13, 19:21
Hi could I just ask can you keep a symptom there almost constantly by worrying about it all day every day, I have right sided stomach pains alot and worry about them constantly can I be keeping it there not sure at the minute if it's my worries or something worse, have had scans and bloods ect and being reassured but not convinced, I do have ibs and I am starting cbt in January for health anxiety, thanks hope you can help xx

27-12-13, 19:41
I am having the same thing with my head. I had a bad headache like 2 weeks ago and I still feel pain at my temples. Not a headache but pressure. I am constantly checking to see if there is pain. Funny enough when I am distracted I don't notice it. You can definatlely cause yourself to have pain and symptoms. I am just trying to accept that it's pain and that I can live with it. If your doctor isn't worried I'm sure it's anxiety and nothing else. Feel bettet xoxoxo.

27-12-13, 19:53
Hi thanks for your reply I have had these pains for years and years the pain is no worse its just at the minute I am focusing on it all the time so I am really worried, I keep telling myself things are ok and for a bit I am ok but then the worry comes back, thanks again xx