View Full Version : Escitalopram and Tianeptine (Stablon)

27-12-13, 19:44
Hi folks,

I am currently on 10 mg Escitalopram (switched from Venlafaxine that I had been taking since past 5 years). Its been my 3rd week now, there is not much change in my anxiety levels plus I have been feeling a little confused with memory and concentration problems lately. I attribute this to my long term use of Venlafaxine more than the anxiety and depression. I discussed this with my doctor who has prescribed my Tianeptine 37.5 mg for improvement in my cognition. I dont know much about the med except its an SSRE and works well for anxiety and depression too. I would be interested to know if anyone has tried this with an SSRI. Till now (been 3 days), I feel no difference really except it gives me terribly insomnia. Really confused :unsure:


16-03-15, 21:20

Yeah i have used to get Tianeptine from abroad, as my doctor wont prescribe it, i found that it only worked for me if i took over 50mg in one go. Obviously this is quite a lot and costs a bucket load of money. So i have started ordering from ebay! I know its a bid strange to get meds from ebay, but.....it works!

16-03-15, 23:36

I have a friend who has just been prescribed STABLON by his pdoc but has not received it yet because it's NOT FDA approved in the USA. He has to order from a company in Switzerland - you have to take it 3 times a day so it can get pricey.

Has anyone had any luck with STABLON, was it lasting or short lived.


19-03-15, 11:35

Yeah i have used to get Tianeptine from abroad, as my doctor wont prescribe it, i found that it only worked for me if i took over 50mg in one go. Obviously this is quite a lot and costs a bucket load of money. So i have started ordering from ebay! I know its a bid strange to get meds from ebay, but.....it works!

It's not licenced in the UK.

Be careful because it will be coming from outside the UK and this is a grey area in the law really. It will likely be considered a Prescription Only Medicine (POM) by the MHRA and on this basis, importing it is an offence convered in the Medicines Act as you wouldn't be classed as licenced.

However...and this is an issue to explore, there is evidence online that the MHRA are not interested in anything that is 'personal use' which they have defined unless it is counterfeit (for obvious public safety reasons). However, Customs may not agree and whilst if its not covered in criminal Acts that cover drugs (there are 2 Acts), then they may still seize it and request you confirm why you are importing it. How you stand here, I have no idea as its such a grey area since the MHRA don't seem interested in enforcing the Medicines Act, which they could. So, I would suggest you check that out.

Surely Ebay shouldn't be selling medication?

---------- Post added at 11:35 ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 ----------


I have a friend who has just been prescribed STABLON by his pdoc but has not received it yet because it's NOT FDA approved in the USA. He has to order from a company in Switzerland - you have to take it 3 times a day so it can get pricey.

Has anyone had any luck with STABLON, was it lasting or short lived.


Does his doctor order it for him then? If not, how is it prescribed as its the same an anyone purchasing it?

I know its classed as 'unscheduled' in the US but how do the importation laws relate to that?

19-03-15, 16:56
His doctor wrote a prescription which he faxed to the Swiss Pharmacy, he just recieved a confirmation email that it has been mailed to him - lets see if it passes customs ?

20-03-15, 06:48
His doctor wrote a prescription which he faxed to the Swiss Pharmacy, he just recieved a confirmation email that it has been mailed to him - lets see if it passes customs ?

He will be fine I would think.

I know in the UK, Customs could intercept the package and send you a letter asking you to prove why you should have them so a prescription off your doctor would be sufficient as he/she is allowed by law in the UK to import medicines.

I expect the same could happen in the US. I know I've seen pharmacies that also suggest putting a copy of the prescription in the package for Customs to see which may happen since its been faxed over.

Its more complicated in the UK because a doctor won't do this. They will issue a prescription for anything licenced. I'm not sure whether you can use that prescription abroad, as I think many countries share prescription formats, because you would always go to your local pharmacy. Importing without prescription though is grey area because its not allowed under the Medicines Act without a licence but the MHRA don't seem as keen to follow up on personal use imports, but anything that is mentioned in the Misuse of Drugs Act will certainly be confiscated and followed up by Customs...although there are threads that seem to suggest they are not always interested and treat them as other medications...so its very confusing in the UK!

20-03-15, 16:10
Thanks Terry I will forward your response to him.

What's your thoughts on Stablon, how well does it work ?

21-03-15, 09:29
I'm not sure as with it no being licenced over here, the only people that will be using it will be the ones risking confiscation by Customs. There are some anxiety forums around where there are threads about it including people who have used it. I quick look on one showed some having success and others struggling with start up side effects (even though its supposed to be a low thing with this one) so it seems the usual lottery and a matter of trying.

Its an interesting med though, I don't understand why no one seems interested in it. There are loads of articles including it on the MHRA website (in the archive which it will prompt you to use if you search for this medication in their search option) so maybe you might find some studies conducted in the UK on there if the FDA haven't done much yet?

22-03-15, 16:40
Thanks Terry.