View Full Version : My hopes and aims for 2014 with Health Anxiety

27-12-13, 20:26
I will say sorry if I have posted this in the wrong section.

late 2012, until this late this year had been pretty rough, thinking I had bowel cancer etc and having a number of tests and exams. I worked out from 2012 to now I have had 40 GP appointments, one extra trip to the dentist, three trips to the walk in centre. plus five scans. I been told I have possible a small pouch of the small bowel, or maybe just like IBS like 1st GP said.

I am hoping my Health Anxiety is reduced by still trying to put in more of an effort with my HA sessions.

As for visiting the GP yes I believe and thought I had cancer a lot this year, with worrying about various symptoms. I will still visit the GP where needed because I am still scared. but will try and believe the GP more as well as the dentist that I don't have anything serious wrong with me.

Also watch my diet more.

More important live each day more, no more googling and checking evil Daily Mail articles. Finally may be able to find myself a girlfriend next year with also hopefully in employment2

27-12-13, 21:25
Maybe you could have some specific actions that will help you with this. For example, with the GP I have started on a two week rule. That means that if I have any new symptoms that are worrying me, I wait two weeks before getting an appointment. I find it helps me to relax knowing that I can see the GP soon enough if I need to, but also I gives me a chance to see whether the symptoms will go away on their own.
The googling thing has been really bad for me this year. I intend to try to give it up too, but it's so, so uncomfortable not being able to get that information that I feel is so vital. It's the kind of feeling of being absolutely gasping for a drink, and there is a glass of water right there but you can't let yourself drink it. That's how hard it is for me.
I hope this is a better year for you. I think a new year is always a good chance for a fresh start.

28-12-13, 01:25
I'm behind u all the way phil u cn do it

28-12-13, 01:55
Realistic goals for sure. I'm with Cattia in that you should make them a bit more specific. The two week waiting period before booking an appt. with your GP is a good one!
The Daily Mail is easy. You can set your browser to block it with parental controls. You can do the same with Google and other search engines..

A key to reaching your goals is to visualize them. This sounds silly and almost too easy but when I was doing a body building contest, I had certain goals I wanted to reach. I wrote them down, printed them out and posted them all over my home so I would see them all the time. On the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator, made a screen saver and wallpaper for my computer etc. This way whenever I felt weak, I had them in front of me to remind me what and why I was doing it. It really works!

I'm with ya on this... you can do it!

30-12-13, 15:27
Many thanks for your replies

I also must try not looking at my poop too much, because I still have the fear of bowel cancer at 30. I am still worrying about non Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma etc. as well as head and neck cancer, always checking my neck of my bones to see whether there feel different etc. or any lumps.

30-12-13, 17:21
You can do this Phil! I haven't googled anything medical since September 1st, four whole months. I had to go completely cold turkey and sometimes the urge was incredible, especially when I'm on my own and my mind start wandering. Can't say I am completely cured but I feel so much stronger. Just remember, the Daily Mail is a load of sensationalist, scaremongering c@@p!