View Full Version : How do I deal with HA??!!

28-12-13, 08:51
Hi!! Sorry this is going to be a long post,ok,I hve suffered from PA & panic disorder for years which left me with crippling agoraphobia,for many years I was completly housebound,but after lots of CBT & a very good cpn I started to recover.Towards the end of my recovery I got a very bad cold which left me with fluid in my ears & constant ear infections.Then the ear infections stopped but I was still left with paranoia over fluid in my ears but it wasn't too bad and easily managed.I have since had 3 wonderful children & am managing to get out & about with them & raise them well BUT this year I hve been ill ALOT (turns out I'm defiencent in alot of vitamins (I hve a fear of taking medications so this is also hard to handle)but my obsession with my ears is seriously affecting my life & ability to go out,now I panic if my wars feel funny,if I'm nasally congested (which is alot) if there's ANY variation in my hearing/sensation at all,it really throws me into a panic.My gp suggested a local help group who sent me useful information like "don't think about it!!" DOH?? Does anyone have any advice pls?? I'm now getting another cold so my ears aren't feeling "right"& I'm tired of living like this xx

28-12-13, 12:47
i have been able to cope with the future by looking at the past.write it down how you felt and what you avoided and then what you missed out on. you lived through it. how bad was it and if you had of done xXxX.would that have changed things. I look back on my old posts on here nd realize I have had this problem before and here I am. I am going to incorporate new things and move forward. small steps.
you know its your ears so that's a good thing.
look at natural ways to help drain your sinuses and help with your ears as appose to the negative. hopefully this helps a bit. different things work for different people.