View Full Version : Ddcoo one year on with tongue cancer

28-12-13, 13:34
Hi everyone, it was a year last week since I had my operation for tongue cancer and thought I would give a little catch up on my situation.
since I finished the radiotherapy and chemotherapy I have made gradual progress. My surgeon only wants to see me every two months now as there are no real problems except for the occasional dose of oral thrush which is easily treated.

I have more energy now although if I do too much I get a bit tired.
It was great being able to eat a christmas dinner this year as I was being tube fed last christmas. I dont have many problems eating but meat is a bit difficult due to the texture, but I can assure you that the brandy trifle slipped down a treat (ha ha).

I would like to thank everyone who supported me through this ordeal, I can't thank you enough for the support I got from you all and I hope that you all had a peaceful christmas.

28-12-13, 13:40
Yay ddccooooooooooooooo soooo very good to hear from you!!!!!!!!
Your progress is amazing and so are you. So glad to have been able to help you through such a tough time. I feel almost lost for words but it's lovely to hear how well things are going. Did I mention before you are amazing? Well that's coz u r!!!!

28-12-13, 13:49
So nice to see you, thanks for coming back to update us. So glad to hear ypu are doing so much better. You really inspired so many of us when you were going through your treatment and it's great to see that you'be come out the other side so well. Much love you you Xx

28-12-13, 13:58
Thank you Tessar andCatia for you kind comments, its good to be back in the real world. This illness has made me realise how fragile life is and I should just get on with it with as little panic as possible, but it is difficult .to change the habit of a life time, but I am trying. Happy New Year to you both.

28-12-13, 15:51
Hi Ddcoo I remember when I read the forum last year about you having tongue cancer.

Best wishes for 2014.

I took me a while to join the forum.

28-12-13, 16:27
Nice to hear from you Ddcoo glad you are ok :) xx

28-12-13, 17:29
Lovely to hear from you and I was thinking about you on Christmas day and wondering how you were enjoying being able to eat dinner this year :) Hard to believe that it was a year ago now. Tessar is right...you are an AMAZING lady xxx

28-12-13, 17:31
I am so glad to see you.

Here is to a better 2014 to you :) x

28-12-13, 17:51
So nice to hear from you ddcoo. I wish you all the best for 2014:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:xx

28-12-13, 23:36
ddcoo it's lovely to hear from you hun, I've wondered a few times how you're getting on over the Months.

I'm so glad that all is going well and that you were able to enjoy your Christmas.

Best wishes for the New Year hun :hugs: :hugs:

20-02-14, 02:45
I am soooo late in the game on this, and I apologize. I haven't been back on the forum for a while but lately have found my way back for a bit. While here, I was wondering how you were doing and hoping to see an update.

I know it's a bit dated, but I am so glad you were doing well at Christmas and hope things are still going just as well and improving every day for you. You were an inspiration for me and I am so happy for you.

Wising you all the best and hope you get to read this,
Jess :hugs: