View Full Version : I think im ill all of the time

28-12-13, 13:36
Hi, this is my second post :)
im 17 year old male. I have OCD and ASD.
I go through different phases thinking im ill, the current one is I think I have some sort of cancer, I have a small lump on the side of my neck its been there for a long time and hadnt got any bigger, I have quite a few of these. I have a slim build so that could be why I feel them easily. I don't have heavy night sweats, from what I've read there usually drenching. I have lost 4lb within the last 9 months but I think that is because I dont eat alot And I had a very stressful time in the summer. I have tired to eat more and im gaining weight. I know people will say just go to the doctor to put your mind at rest but im super scared of going. I think im tired alot but I think im just making that up in my mind as I always feel like I could get up and run about and play football :). Just want some reassurance as I will probably stop worrying about it soon. Thanks!

28-12-13, 16:51
I'm the same way :)
Just this month I thought I had diabetes, looked into all the symptoms, absolutely everything, was convinced I showed all of the signs and went to the doctor for a blood test only to come back with nothing~
You thoughts can really lead you astray sometimes, but it wouldn't do any harm to go to the doctor just to check it out~ Chances are it'll simply be anxiety!

Bet jim
28-12-13, 17:49
Hi Callum. I think I'm ill all the time. In one week I can have a variety of cancers ranging from bowel to breast. It's absolutely awful. You can learn to help yourself with the aid of your GP and CBT. I'm not saying you will ever be completely cured. I'm certainly not and I've now lived with health anxiety for about 30 years, but you can learn to cope with it.

29-12-13, 10:34
Hi Callum. At your age it is very unlikely you have anything wrong with you. If you still feel like playing football that's a good thing! I'm a mum of teenage boys and they are always getting little bumps round their necks, backs of ears etc. and weight does fluctuate by a few pounds here and there over the months. I've just had to buy new trousers for one of my sons as he's lost about half a stone due to walking and using his bike more and growing in height by an inch. Your body is still changing, at 17 there's still some hormonal changes going on. It's really important you speak to a parent or someone else you trust about your fears and if that doesn't put your mind at rest pop along for a chat with your GP. I really hope you nip this in the bud as I hate to think of a young man getting on the roller coaster of health anxiety which is no fun at all. You will be fine.

29-12-13, 18:01
Hi, I have just joined and I am so glad there is a forum for this. I am suffering from severe anxiety at the moment about my health, I have had a bad kidney infection which has totally knocked me out and hope to god I don't get one again. There have been serious health issues in my family this year, my dad was seriously ill in hospital, my grandma in and out of hospital and passed away and my boyfriend's dad is very ill with brain tumour. Other people I have known have passed away over the last 18 months. I think this has totally got on top of me and all of a sudden I am convinced I have cancer and this is what has caused my infection. There is no reason why I should have anything sinister, my urine tests are now clear and a full blood count has come back normal. However, I have become severely anxious and depressed, this has ruined my Xmas. I can see there have been several triggers for my anxiety and depression form what has happened this year. I will be going back to the docs as i have been changed to sertraline (from paroxetine as felt my depression was not lifting) but think this has made my anxiety worse. This is a horrible disorder and would see your doctor, I am going to ban google!! This is nothing to be ashamed of, it is an awful feeling. I have convinced myself I am going to die soon and leave my family, I am only 40 and cannot continue this way for much longer. I will be seeing my doctor if my anxiety does not get any better. I have had CBT before due to OCD (in thinking my actions would cause people to die). Mental illness is debilitating and I am so glad I have found this forum. It is a million to one chance that something had is wrong with you, I know this but when it comes to your own inner thoughts there is no reasoning! Take care and get some professional help xxx

29-12-13, 21:04
Hi Callum. At your age it is very unlikely you have anything wrong with you. If you still feel like playing football that's a good thing! I'm a mum of teenage boys and they are always getting little bumps round their necks, backs of ears etc. and weight does fluctuate by a few pounds here and there over the months. I've just had to buy new trousers for one of my sons as he's lost about half a stone due to walking and using his bike more and growing in height by an inch. Your body is still changing, at 17 there's still some hormonal changes going on. It's really important you speak to a parent or someone else you trust about your fears and if that doesn't put your mind at rest pop along for a chat with your GP. I really hope you nip this in the bud as I hate to think of a young man getting on the roller coaster of health anxiety which is no fun at all. You will be fine.

Hi, thanks for the reply :) I have started taking medication for my OCD and that again.