View Full Version : Now realise I have health anxiety - colon cancer at moment

28-12-13, 15:45

I'm new to this forum having now accepted that I'm suffering from health anxiety and it's an awful state to be in.

I never worried too much about my health in the past. I've always been fit and healthy and had no major illnesses. My problems started about 8 weeks ago, although it had probably been brewing for some time following the death of a close friend from cancer a couple of years ago and learning that one of the mums at my children's school had died from bowel cancer earlier in the year. Add to that the fact that I'm in my mid forties and its dawned on me that the chances of getting cancer or some other horrible disease is more likely the older I get.

My husband had health anxiety about 10 years ago and was tested for pretty much every cancer you can think of, so much so that our private health insurance won't cover him for anything anxiety related now, as every time he was tested it was always anxiety and nothing more sinister! Ironically, he is more or less ok now and I really wish I'd been more patient with him as now it's my turn......

A couple of months ago I started getting bleeding in between periods, the most scary symptom I'd ever had. I googled, scared myself to death and quickly found myself in a very anxious state convincing myself I had womb cancer, losing half a stone in a couple of weeks. Anyway, I had a scan and all they found was fibroids which the doctor believes is responsible for the bleeding. They are being removed next week, although I won't breath easy until it's all over and I've confirmation that all is well.

While all the above was going on I also noticed that I often have a small amount of white mucous in my stools. I actually first noticed about 6 months ago but thought nothing of it as I didn't have health anxiety then. However, in the light of my womb cancer scare I started thinking deeper about it and started googling like mad. Of course, bowel cancer comes up frequently, although most of my googling tells me that small amounts of mucous alone are not likely to be cancer, it's only when you have larger amounts and have other symptoms (I have no other symptoms). But that still doesn't reassure me. To make matters worse, I have a family history of bowel cancer (dad aged 59, his uncle in his 50s and aunt in her 70s). I did mention the mucous and asked my doctor about screening but she seemed unconcerned and said I didn't meet the criteria for screening (relatives not close enough apparently?!?!). I was told I wouldn't be eligible for screening until 60. I was more concerned about the womb cancer issue at the time so let it go.

However, since then I've become increasingly worried about the prospect of having bowel cancer to the point I'm barely functioning as I can't concentrate on anything and all I want to do is google and read the same old sites for reassurance. I'm wasting away my time at home for the xmas holidays and feel sorry for my kids as I have no interest in doing anything with them, going on outings, meeting friends etc like we normally do. I decided that once my fibroid op was over, I'd go back to the doctors and ask to be referred to a gastroenterologist.

However, things came to a head last night. I went to the toilet and passed a bit more mucous than normal which really panicked me although I'd been in such an anxious state all day I know it had affected my bowels (I normally only go once a day in the morning). I didn't sleep all night for worrying, although that's not unusual of late. I've decided I'm now going to go back to the doctor on Monday and insist that I be referred for a colonoscopy as it's the only way I'm going to be reassured (assuming nothing sinister is found that is!). I have private insurance so presumably they can't refuse, right??

Thanks for listening to my ramblings, it feels better to write it all down. I'm so annoyed with myself for getting into this state but just can't help myself. I should be having a lovely life with my husband, kids, nice home etc, but frankly at the moment life's just sh*t :-( Health anxiety sucks!

29-12-13, 10:55
Hi. How are you feeling today? The mid cycle bleeding is defo fibroids, I haven't had them but several friends have and after your op you'll be as right as rain. I think your anxiety has been heightened by the thought of your upcoming op (although its quite a straightforward procedure I understand) and the pressure of Xmas and its built up which is forever if you have kids. You sound like me last Xmas when I was in the grip of a cancer obsession and I just didn't want to do anything or see anyone. Stool mucus is extremely common, most people have had it but its only us lot with HA that discuss it freely lol. I find diet changes it a lot, especially rich and spicy foods make it worse. You won't be screened for bowel ca unless its two DIRECT relatives; I have asked the same question and been told no as all mine are more distant. I think this would only serve to heighten your anxiety though. Health anxiety is horrible and once you have got your op out the way you need to address it with your GP and ask for help. Hopefully it will be your first AND last bout of it!x

29-12-13, 11:31
Thank you, am feeling much brighter today and we're taking the kids out later. I think 2 direct relatives is bonkers especially if you have a small family like me. Direct relatives are basically parents (my dad had it & if my mum did it would only be coincidence as, strangely enough(!)my parents weren't blood related, siblings - I have one who knows if I had more there could be another case, children - mine are too young for bc yet(!). Therefore I think few people meet that criteria. I'm sure I can get checked privately, my husband did and he has no family history. Interestingly one of his symptoms was mucous too. It virtually disappeared once he was told he was clear! Nevertheless, even though deep down I doubt I have bc I still can't deal with the "what ifs". Interestingly, in the referral letter to the gynacologist re the fibroids issue the GP wrote that I have "a family history of bowel cancer" so presumably they think it has some relevance?!

29-12-13, 13:11
Glad you are feeling a bit better and hope you enjoy your outing. I wouldn't read too much into your GPs referral comment, mine put what my father had died of (pancreatic ca) and grandparents (both grandfathers of lung cancer but they were heavy smokers and I have never smoked and both grans lived to ripe old ages) for a mental health referral and when I questioned it she said it was normal practice. Your husband at least will understand what you are going through. Mine is excellent but I know he has got fed up with the constant "do you think I've got x, y, z" questions over the years - even waking him up in the middle of the night to ask him, show him the latest imagined bump, rash etc. He says the only cancers I haven't "had" are prostate, testicular and penile :). Things came to a head when I asked to see his poo as I didn't believe he had mucus too. :blush: Pretty funny looking back but not at the time when you are consumed by fears. Good luck for your op - let us all know how you are x

29-12-13, 18:49
Lol re asking to see husband's poo. I haven't gone that far but did ask for exact description of the mucous!

30-12-13, 11:39
I know exactly how u feel I have everything you've said , it's awful and as taken over my life

30-12-13, 19:11
I agree Cags. As I said I'm new to health anxiety and I pray it doesn't last long. Just a few short months ago I would flush the toilet without even looking. Now I feel anxious before each bm in case I see something bad. Mostly I don't, the worst I've seen is a few small blobs of white mucous and a few red bits which after gross inspection turned out to be tomato, peppers and similar. I feel ridiculous writing it down but I fear that sooner or later I'll see something worse. I'll see if I feel any better after my gynae op but I fear I'll be begging for a referral to put my bowel cancer fears to bed...

30-12-13, 19:48

I am also worried about bowel cancer and had a number of scans. my worries started when my Dad had to do a poop screening (for bowel cancer) because of his age in 2012, his test result was fine. I had abdominal pains.

Since than I have worried about every single cancer possible, even more scary the cancers only females can get. (with multiply trips to the GP practice, seeing every GP at the practice I am registered with. I struggled believe the GPs saying it is just IBS. because I also suffer from NF my abdominal pain could be linked to of these lumps inside the bowel/attached the bowel causing the pain (nothing has been found only a slightly possibility of a small pouch on the small bowel) which may need keyhole.

30-12-13, 20:26
Sorry, what's NF? Bowel cancer seems to be a common fear which is kind of reassuring that it's not just me but not nice for those concerned.

30-12-13, 20:31
neurofibromatosis, it grows on nerve ends, but it can be possible for these to be inside me.

30-12-13, 20:41
Hi I also have worry of bowel cancer but also ovarian cancer which is taking over my life I worry constantly about it which feels like a vicious cycle, I have had stomach symptoms for probably 15 years but lately have been so worried about aches and pains in my right side it goes from groin to pelvic and Stomach I do have ibs and doctors always say its that and the anxiety but i can't convince myself that it's that I have started feeling ill with the anxiety and stress but worry its something far worse I just want this constant worry to go away I have had scans lots, blood tests and a sigmoidoscopy 3yrs ago, I am starting cbt in January are you getting any help with anxiety x

30-12-13, 20:46
neurofibromatosis, it grows on nerve ends, but it can be possible for these to be inside me.

I had to look that up as I had never heard about it. The things you can come up with when you ask Dr. Google is never ending! It's an inherited genetic disorder so unless one of your parents had it you won't get it. And it's not a cause of bowel/colon cancer.

Positive thoughts

31-12-13, 12:31
I had sigmoidoscopy and barium enema that didn't work I've been to scared to go for the colonoscopy , I lost some bright red blood yesterday after straining but convinced myself I'm dying I'm to scared to even go to the GP now it's irrational I know I'm was going to try the online CBT but it says u need to see doctor first I don't know what to do sometimes I forget for a day and it's great .... I hope you get some help x

31-12-13, 12:47
Hi there. I've just had three weeks of terrible health anxiety over bowel cancer. My guts had been playing up and I got lots of trapped wind and bloating. First big mistake: going on Google. Result pure panic and a ruined Christmas. Anyway, my test results came back fine. There are lots of causes of bowel problems, odd looking stools etc, and the chances are that you have something other than cancer. I hope you feel better soon.