View Full Version : I am Going to waste away

28-12-13, 15:45
Please can someone help me

I now feel so hopeless that the world does no longer seem like a happy place to be

I have lost two stone since the beginning of 2013 and it keeps on dropping off

I know it is because of my anxiety and panic attack problems

But I need help, it has now got to the stage where I ma always cold and my bones are sticking out. I feel ugly, ill and in the mirror I only see a skeleton

I am 5 foot 6 and only weight a shameful 8 stone.

29-12-13, 11:39
hi Shammy,

Im in the same boat, worried about weight loss. GP says its anxiety related but its accepting that I have the problem with.

Just wanted to let you know that youre not the only one.


Mrs Anxious
29-12-13, 13:18
Anxiety can cause so many symptoms including nausea and loss of appetite which in turn would cause the weight loss, are u eating regularly at the moment? Perhaps if you could take time out to relax and do some things you enjoy your anxiety symptoms will lessen and u may start to gain some weight back, take care

29-12-13, 13:20
Anxiety has always revved up my metabolism and weight loss can be a very normal consequence for anxiety and depression. What are you doing to get some help for your anxiety? Thatbisnthe issue that you really want to treat, as the weight loss is simply a by product of the real illness. Anxiety.

29-12-13, 16:11
I am also 5, 6 and 8 stone. That's not unreasonable for your height? That is only slightly underweight! Stop worrying, to be in the ideal weight category you only need to put on a couple of pounds! I was 7 and a half stone at one point and I am still here now :) just try and eat little and often!!

29-12-13, 16:29
I found build up shakes helped x

29-12-13, 16:34
I found build up shakes helped x

When I lost a ton of weight from cancer/treatment, I needed to take in calories and nutrition. I drank smoothies with a whey protein supplement/mass builder. One shake was over 1000 calories and had a ton of vitamins and minerals my body needed. I still do smoothies every day just with a standard whey supplement as I've gained back enough weight. It's an easy and delicious way to get calories and nutrients.

Good suggestion!

Positive thoughts

29-12-13, 17:19
hi shammy sorry to here ur struggling, im male 5ft 8 I dropped to 7st 11 I couldn't eat anything my appetite returned but it took about a 6 to 8 month to put on weight I went up to 11st but last 3 month not eating has become a problem again im now 9st 10 I know its horrible to feel ugly and ill with being skinny I get upset with it to but its another lovely part of anx just try and eat little and often its hard but try yoghurts fruit , nuts milk , anything to get vitamins which will help the anx. hope u keep well feel free to ask anything I might of missed

29-12-13, 18:05
Hi Shammy, I'm sorry you've lost so much weight. Anxiety can do that.

It might be worth speaking to a doctor about what best to do. The build-up shakes may well be a good solution to the weight issue, but also make sure you're getting all the available support to help you with the anxiety, which is the root cause of the weight loss.

29-12-13, 18:20
Im the asme lost 20lbs now and its worring me!

30-12-13, 12:26
The past few days have been panic free and I have managed to put on 7 pounds,

But I know it does not last forever. I seem to have periods of sanity and then periods of anxiety.

My goal is to finally shake this condition of and be normal. suffered for over 12 years now

I want to thank everyone for their kinds words and the knowledge I am not alone

30-12-13, 16:01
Hi Shammy,

If you see my last thread, it was about weight loss. I am still terrified.

l keep anticipating how my friends would say that I've lost weight since many of them have already done so. This is so scary. I have lost interest in meeting my friends because I am afraid that they will keep on dropping the "Congratulations on your weight loss!"

Right now, i cannot find the light at the end of the tunnel where I will gain back my pounds. I am still overweight and I can't believe that I envy people who are gaining weight even though they hate it.

I can't believe that I miss gaining weight. I seriously think that I cannot gain back again. You are definitely not alone.