View Full Version : please help. alone on a train

28-12-13, 16:32
I'm on a train home but I'm not coping. I'm worried I'm going to die. I'm getting hot flushes and have sharp head pains. I don't know what to do :(

28-12-13, 16:38
Try sitting back and just breathing. Count your breaths in and out. Concentrate and just focus on breathing. This is just anxiety and it can't hurt you. You're going to be just fine!

28-12-13, 16:44
Do you have headphones with you? You can download free relaxation exercises from itunes or android store and listen to them. You aren't going to die, you're just having a panic attack Xx

28-12-13, 16:46
Don't worry, you'll be alright I promise~
Do you have a phone that can store apps and a set of headphones? There's an amazing app on the Google Play store called Stop Panic and Anxiety. It has some calming audios and a panic assistance audio that I find REALLY helps when I'm feeling panicky :)
I recommend you give it a try :hugs:

28-12-13, 16:48
Thanks I'll see if I can get that app now. I tried listening to relaxing music but it hasn't helped. I've got another 25 minutes on a busy train. I'm keeping my eyes shut as much as I can. This is so hard.

28-12-13, 17:07
If nothing else works, try and set a specific time for panicking.
For example, when I start to feel very anxious in public, I'll tell myself over and over that I can sit down and panic all I want in the comfort of my room when I get home. Theres absolutely no reason for me to panic at that moment in time, it can be saved for later~
Its a little hard and can take a little time to convince yourself that it'll work, keep taking slow breaths, steel yourself to your worried thoughts and store them away for later.
I hope you start feeling better soon :hugs:

28-12-13, 17:21
There are a couple of things that help when I am really anxious. The first is called 'blue lagoon therapy' (I made it up myself lol!) It works like this: imagine you are at the top of a very quiet, peaceful, sunny mountain and there is a beautiful warm, crystal blue lagoon there. Imagine that you get into it and gently float and the warm water washes all the tension and pain from your body and mind. As long as you stay in the water it is impossible to be tense.
The other one I try is harder to explain, but when my thoughts are racing, i just let them race as fast as I can and I imagine them like racing cars racing very very fast around a track, then as they carry in racing, I imagine myself walking away from the track and finding a cool, shady tree to sit under. My thoughts can race away on the track but i can just sit under the tree feeling peaceful and let them race. I hope one of these techniques helps a bit Xx