View Full Version : Hoarse voice, white spots, bad cough now panicking

29-12-13, 00:22
I'm starting to worry as what I thought was just the start of a winter cold has now gone on for about two and a half weeks and not developed into anything.

It started with a sore throat and cough however now the soreness has gone, I still have the cough which hurts and I'm starting bring up chunks of green stuff (:blush: sorry) when I do cough. I also have a really hoarse voice but it's not painful at all. I've looked at my throat and I have white spots at the back. I don't feel unwell with it at all but it's starting to freak out and I can't stop thinking its cancer.

29-12-13, 00:23
white spots on tonsils usually means an infection like tonsillitis and not cancer

29-12-13, 00:26
White spots are most always strep throat in my experience.
Green stuff- sinus infection.

29-12-13, 05:03
Actually, it's pretty common for any congestion drainage to be green. On our side of the pond there's a bad respiratory virus around right now that's left a lot of us unattractively draining for quite a while without any sinus infection at all. Ditto on the white spots--it's just an immune response to a virus or infection, as Nicola says, rather than being specifically to strep. Longer-term coughing and no throat pain doesn't really fit strep anyway.

Coughing can take a long time to go away after a virus, and if you're still coughing it's no wonder you're still hoarse! You can always call to see if you should go in and get it looked at but it sounds like a standard winter respiratory virus that has long outstayed its welcome. A spoonful of honey helps with a cough, and salt-water gargles are nice for an irritated throat.

29-12-13, 09:11
These white spots sound like thrush (candida). Boring and persistent, but nothing dangerous. Still, check itnwith the doctor, because if that is thrush, and if it spreads to your mouth or gallet, it can become very painful/uncomfortable for you. No worries though, even if it is thrush it is absolutely not dangerous or life threatening, and like others said, it could be just a boring virus too. :-)