View Full Version : Unbearable anxiety

29-12-13, 01:36
My anxiety is really bad at the moment because I'm stressing out so much because I want to withdraw from my medication. I've been on pregabalin for four months because my psychiatrist recommended it for my anxiety. I'm on 150mls twice a day. I'm on liquid pregabalin because I can't swallow tablets. I'm anxious because i can't use the syringe provided with the pregabalin because I have dyspraxia and find it difficult to do a lot of things like tie shoelaces and I find the syringe very fiddily. The anxiety over this and worrying how I'm going to measure out reduced doses (I use a measuring cup provided with my liquid mebverine, but it doesn't have the lower doses like 25mls), has totally ruined Christmas for me. I'm so fed up at the moment that I'm thinking of going cold turkey off pregabalin, like I did with seroxat ( not recommended btw).
I hope you understand what I'm saying.
I really need your help and advice.

29-12-13, 10:52
I have mild dyspraxia so I understand how fiddly things can be a nightmare. Could you not use a spoon instead? Or could you ask for a powder form?

Like you said yourself, I do not recommend going cold turkey from medication. It can be very damaging for you. Go and speak to your psychiatrist, explain that your anxiety is still a big issue and discuss either changing medication or coming of your current one if it's not helping you.

29-12-13, 11:18
I tried using a spoon, but the liquid lyrica is just like water. I'm still really anxious about the lyrica. I had a relapse in July and that's why I was prescribed it. It's helped me a little bit, but during the last few days, I've been looking up the withdrawal symptons on the net, and the things people have said about them has really frightened me. I've been looking up the withdrawal symptons all day without a break and staying up until 3am constantly googling other peoples' experiences with the withdrawal symptons. I'm going to have to stop doing this or I'm going to make myself I'll., but I'm really anxious.

29-12-13, 11:24
You can research withdrawal symptoms until the cows come home but it has no benefit to you. What I experienced with seroxat and citalopram maybe completely different to the next person. There is no benefit scaring yourself. Again, you need to speak to your psychiatrist about this.

29-12-13, 11:38
Thank you Ronnie, you know what it''so like when you have anxiety, you stress out about things, and it turns out to be not so bad after all. I just keep thinking that I've only been on lyrica for four months, so the withdrawal symptoms might not be so bad. I went cold turkey with seroxat, so if I can cope with that, then the withdrawal symptoms from coming off lyrica might not be so bad.

29-12-13, 11:58
As Rennie said, one should consult their doctor or therapist concerning coming off of any psychotropic medication. It's highly inadvisable to do so on your own or by the recommendations/experiences of others or Dr. Google.

Positive thoughts

29-12-13, 12:04
I was thinking that the seroxat might lessen the withdrawal symptoms from the lyrica, what do you think?

29-12-13, 12:51
You will need to discuss that with your psychiatrist.

29-12-13, 13:29
Thank you for your advice. What you're saying is so right. I always stress out and think "what if this happens, or "what if that happens"' I always put the cart before the horse. I know I've been a pain on this forum with all my lyrica questions, but I find all your advice invaluable. Even though I've had anxiety for over 20 years, their is still a lot I don't know.