View Full Version : Bloodclot fears in a very dark place tonight

29-12-13, 01:46
So sorry to start another thread about this but I feel like I can't cope I'm half debating to wake my 3yr old up an take to my sisters so I can go to hospital! Absolutley terrified here... Started with a real pain in knee on the side of kneecap (very sharp pain) actually injured but have no idea how I did it ... Had it for about 7-8 days now I have rested it I fact for past 3 days haven't even left my house as daughter is ill with flu type illness. Got aches in calf and bottom of foot now and my thigh is aching if anything my leg feels stiff and heavy! It doesn't look any different or feel hot... I feel short of breath and have a terrible cough starting to feel 'funny' aswell I don't know if that's because I'm feeling so anxious ! Sense tells me the chesty, mucosy cough is coming from the illness me and my daughter have had (she's had terrible cough to) but even if the cough is from the flu thing... I'm still sure I have a dvt this isn't fake pains this is real pains that I actually didnt worry about at first till it started radiating through leg :-(

29-12-13, 02:35
Before going to the hospital why not call your doctors emergency number first?

29-12-13, 02:38
Because I know the out of hours surgery is on other side of city an I don't have enough money to get a taxi there if I get an appointment.

29-12-13, 02:42
I was at risk this last summer for clots as I had a complicated pregnancy and was on bedrest for nine weeks-- my doctor and several specialists all agreed that I did not need to worry about clots unless I saw a lot of swelling along with a lot of heat. You mentioned that your leg doesn't feel hot or look different.

Hope this helps ease your mind! :hugs:

29-12-13, 02:46
I agree with the above post. After I had my baby they told me the same thing. It's possible you injured the muscle or nerves in your leg.

29-12-13, 03:32
Hello thankyou for replies I know it's supposed to swell but Iv researched its so much on Internet (evil dr google) and Iv read so many stories were people haven't had swelling or redness and just pain :-(

29-12-13, 04:55
Sarah, what you describe is very common with a knee injury--guarding the sore knee makes the leg a bit stiff and out of whack generally. And the rest of it sounds like you may have picked up your daughter's bug.

I know your panic is hard to deal with, but your daughter needs to rest at home more than you need to go to the hospital. Tomorrow you can check to see if you can find a chemist or other shop that carries a little knee brace/knee sleeve--such a thing is very helpful in stabilizing an irritated knee. Are you taking anti-inflammatories for it? Those are very helpful too.

29-12-13, 04:59
Hello thankyou for reply well it's nearly 5am in Britain and I'm still at home albeit wide awake :-( my baby sleeps peacefully besides me though which is main thing. I think I will go to chemist tomorrow first and see what they say never actually thought of that, thankyou x

29-12-13, 13:19
How did you make out Sarah?

29-12-13, 13:35
hi sarah i have had blood clots in fact i had 2 on my lungs if would like to know what symptoms etc i had please feel free to pm me i dont want to scareanybody by saying on here but i had nothing like you have said you have got xx

29-12-13, 16:43
Hi RoseEve ... Well today I left house for first time in days went local chemist but its closed :-( ... So went the supermarket non there but I did do a weekly shop and fought of a panic attack (good for me) for some reason the supermarket gets me panicky have no idea why I'm not to bad in public places usually! Knee still hurts when I'm walking and I'm still thinking its a clot but don't feel as anxious as yesterday ! Was ready to string up last night ! X thanks amandaj I will pm you now and I think that's a very considerate idea not putting it on knowing what is lot are like lol xx

29-12-13, 18:35
Good for you Sarah!

30-12-13, 10:14
have messaged you back sarah x

30-12-13, 11:27
Hi Sarah,

I am currently suffering a massive fear of a blood clot too. I have had cramping in my right leg since Christmas Day now. It isn't mega painful or anything but is uncomfortable and kind of feels like period pain in my leg. I too have googled and this has made me feel 10 times worse! My partner and family are saying I don't have anything wrong with me but how do they know that??
I have had cramping in my leg and very very mild pain ranging from the ball of my foot to my lower back/bum. I am at my wits end and getting very angry at people for nothing because I am so worried.
I know how you feel and I have been told from CBT not to seek reassurance which includes going to the doctors. I honestly dont know what to do but this is spoiling my life at the moment.

30-12-13, 12:04
I am at my wits end and getting very angry at people for nothing because I am so worried.
I know how you feel and I have been told from CBT not to seek reassurance which includes going to the doctors. I honestly dont know what to do but this is spoiling my life at the moment.

Kee Kee...

Just wanted to point out that I see a positive in that statement. You recognize that you're getting angry at people for "nothing". Do you see the correlation that the "nothing" is your worry? ;) You're taking positive steps in treating you anxiety with CBT. It takes time and effort but anything worth having is worth the work. You'll get there!

Positive thoughts