View Full Version : I'm loosing...

29-12-13, 06:46
Hi all just having a real bad time everyday too much symptoms that really is relentless chest pain, chest tightening, sore back, abdominal discomfort mental anxiety general feeling of being unwell like this will be my last days...I feel something is coming up just like that I feel very sick .... There are some of my post but nobody seems to notice I feel so alone

---------- Post added at 06:46 ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 ----------

I worry about heart attack, stroke, and cancer on a daily basis just imagine the toll It has on my stressed out body I am giving up ...

29-12-13, 08:18
don't give up !, just go to your GP, explain in real terms and they will set you on track, its not easy to relate to a stranger how your feeling but believe me they will know of all your fears already through other patients, your not alone, there are ways to deal with all of this but your going to need to see your GP to have an idea of what you should be doing to get back, in the meantime I think just talking to people, getting it out there and realising you are one of many people in the same boat paddleless, strength through numbers, together we can be everything :)

29-12-13, 09:17
Sounds like indigestion/acid reflux problem. Pretty much all us anxiety sufferrers have this from time to time...No worries :-) Still, check it with the doctor, you will feel calmer after speaking with the pro.

29-12-13, 10:22
Hi. Just had a quick skim through your previous posts and it seems you have a fair amount to deal with , your mum being ill etc. your symptoms are all classic signs of health anxiety. I have had all of them over the years and it is horrible but you are not going to die. Really, I promise. I found that keeping a journal and writing everything down really helped, then take it with you to the docs so you don't forget anything. Find a doc that is sympathetic and has experience with HA sufferers. My original GP was very dismissive but I saw another in the practice quite by chance as an emergency appointment, really clicked, and have been with her ever since. It will be a journey for you but you will come through. Try some distraction techniques, whatever works for you and stay off dr Google!

29-12-13, 12:07
Awh sending you a big hug :hugs:.
Definitely classic symptoms of anxiety. Same as what I'm going through just now.
I've twice been in ER over the past 6 weeks - convinced I'm having a heart attack or it's cancer. I've had every blood test imaginable, scans on my liver, pancreas, kidneys etc... you name it, it's been done, currently waiting for my appt for a scope, which doc is convinced will come back clear.
My chest is so tight / trouble swallowing / food feeling like it's getting stuck / pain between my shoulder blades & under left shoulder blade / horrible taste in my mouth....put all that together along with starting Sertraline (which have made my anxiety worse for the past 6 weeks) ... and daily panic attacks & shaking like a leaf.
I know exactly where you're coming from.......definitely see your doc and explain how you're feeling.
You're definitely not dying....it's all anxiety - this anxiety monster does some awful things to our bodies.......
Are you taking any meds ?