View Full Version : Is it HA or am I ill?

Mrs Anxious
29-12-13, 12:06
Hi all

Some of you may of read my posts so even tho I'm asking the question I'm pretty sure it's HA... But what if it's not this time?? I just can't differentiate between the 2 lately I just feel like crap all the time I do definitely have low iron and blood pressure that's a fact so why am I analysing all the time... "Why do I have low iron, why do I have low bp" etc... I am convinced my bp will drop so low my heart will just stop, I know it's sounds ridiculous but I just literally cannot help it, I feel like I am going to have a panic attack all the time and it's a constant daily battle, I gave up smoking but my anxiety and depression were so bad I have been smoking again for the past 2 weeks which I know won't help, in fact it's making my anxiety worse.

I am irritable ALL the time no one can even talk to me without me biting their heads off because I am so selfishly consumed with my anxieties about my health, my depression And the intrusive horrible thoughts I have been having...

I have started meditation in the last few days it's not helping yet particularly but it is early days and trying to find the time to relax on my own for 10 mins to do it is hard in itself, I hate the feeling of impending doom that I am going to die soon it's scary and I just want to know what's causing it? Am I going mad am I ill or am I just anxious? It's a minefield I wish I had the money to do CBT privately because I had NHS CBT 3 sessions at our local clinic and I just didn't get on with it.

Also, I feel if I say something out loud it won't come true like I will say to my husband " you don't think I have cancer do you" and when he says no of course not it gives me such a sense of relief for a few minutes what the heck is all that about? Sorry for the ramble just having a really bad day today xx

29-12-13, 12:29
Hi Mrs A,

If one just looks at the obvious the answer is abundantly clear. You're posing this question on an anxiety forum and your screen name is Mrs Anxious for goodness sake ;)

You're unfortunately in a pickle as from what I gather, the health organization lacks severely in treating those with mental illness and you're not in a position financially to seek help privately. I've reviewed your post history and I see you've been trying medications to help treat your HA but haven't found the right drug/dosage to quell the symptoms.

As you know, it takes some time for psychotropic meds to begin working but hopefully the current one will help quell the feelings you're having. Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

29-12-13, 12:45
Mrs A, I agree with Fishman, it's clear that you are suffering with anxiety, which is why you're here. I can say from my own experience that HA makes you feel physically low as well; exhausted, run down, more prone to minor health problems etc.
Low blood pressure is quite common and actually far less of a worry than low bp. The low iron can also easily be easily treated, but when we have anxiety we over analyse these things. Are yoy on iron tablets? Once you get the dose of those right you should start to have more energy.
Anti depressants can be a great help, but it takes some time to get the right one at the right level. The 'what if' thinking lies at the very heart of HA. If we honesty believed that all our symptoms wdre simply due to anxiety then we probably wouldn't have HA. What can you do that will help you to relax?

Mrs Anxious
29-12-13, 13:01
Hi thanks for the reply ur right I am answering my own question it's just so difficult when ur mind tells u otherwise :)

---------- Post added at 13:01 ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 ----------

Mrs A, I agree with Fishman, it's clear that you are suffering with anxiety, which is why you're here. I can say from my own experience that HA makes you feel physically low as well; exhausted, run down, more prone to minor health problems etc.
Low blood pressure is quite common and actually far less of a worry than low bp. The low iron can also easily be easily treated, but when we have anxiety we over analyse these things. Are yoy on iron tablets? Once you get the dose of those right you should start to have more energy.
Anti depressants can be a great help, but it takes some time to get the right one at the right level. The 'what if' thinking lies at the very heart of HA. If we honesty believed that all our symptoms wdre simply due to anxiety then we probably wouldn't have HA. What can you do that will help you to relax?

Hi I am on iron tablets 3 times a day although I have only been taking ten since 6th of this month, I guess I am looking for the burst of energy which I haven't got! :) i don't really want to go back down the road of anti depressants I find that they numb me emotionally and each time I come off of them the anxiety returns so they only mask it for a while....I am hoping the meditation will help in time, ways to relax well for me its things that don't require a lot of effort like long baths reading and films perhaps I need to do these things more often x