View Full Version : My story

29-12-13, 15:57
Hi, hope this doesn't make people worry more. Been on this site on and off for years. Just wanted to write it down:

My biggest HA fear is/was common: cancer

And during the past few months I have experienced the actual fear and all the "what if" acting out scenario's I have feared for so many years.

The clichés are true!
The fear is worse than the reality.
The waiting for results is worse than the results themselves.

It is amazing that somehow I found a strength to deal with this from somewhere and I can actually still "carry on" despite years of saying "I would never cope".

I have read similar stories to this and have thought that it would never be how I would feel if actually diagnosed with cancer: but I was wrong.

It has changed my life. It has changed my HA to a whole new level which is manageable, AND amazingly: I am coping!

My biggest cliché regret?? Yes! I should not have wasted so many years, months and hours worrying about the if's and maybe's.

HA about illness is worse than reality.

29-12-13, 16:08
As one who does not suffer from anxiety/HA, you've affirmed what I've come to learn from reading and participating on this forum.

As a fellow Warrior and Survivor, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

29-12-13, 20:48