View Full Version : I have all the symptoms of Colon Cancer

29-12-13, 18:16
So I feel sick!

For the last year I have been to my Dr about 15 times telling him there is "something" wrong with me. Mainly this has been focused around my heart as i have an abnormal ecg. I have been lightheaded, dizzy, breathless, lost alot of weight and felt really tired and weak. He told me time and time again that its anxiety - to the point where i started to believe him.During this time my bowels have been playing up and i put this down to stress and ibs. A couple of months ago i noticed that my right side had become bigger than the left side but didnt think much of it as i was so consumed with my heart. Anyway i have been getting terrible bloating and bad pains and have been to the dr with this also - he has said ibs. After weeks of pains i remembered this mass and decided to check my poo (gross, i know) but its full of blood clots on the inside of the poo and black bits on the outside.

I have been to A+E and they have just put me back to my drs but because of my releationship with him i just cant face seeing him so i went to another dr. They referred me immediately and i will be seen within 2 weeks. My symptoms are

Lost 20lbs
loss of appatite
tired and weak all the time
bowels all over the place for last 4 - 5 months
lump/ mass on right side
blood in stool.

I am so afraid its really making me ill. Im 32 and have 3 beautiful children. I know by the size of the lump on my side (about 25cm) that if it was cancer it would be advanced and as its on my right side that type of bowel cancer is normally found late and often with no symptoms.
Just want to cry all the time!

29-12-13, 18:18
Sorry doing another thread as i have posted on symptoms by mistake.

So I feel sick!

For the last year I have been to my Dr about 15 times telling him there is "something" wrong with me. Mainly this has been focused around my heart as i have an abnormal ecg. I have been lightheaded, dizzy, breathless, lost alot of weight and felt really tired and weak. He told me time and time again that its anxiety - to the point where i started to believe him.During this time my bowels have been playing up and i put this down to stress and ibs. A couple of months ago i noticed that my right side had become bigger than the left side but didnt think much of it as i was so consumed with my heart. Anyway i have been getting terrible bloating and bad pains and have been to the dr with this also - he has said ibs. After weeks of pains i remembered this mass and decided to check my poo (gross, i know) but its full of blood clots on the inside of the poo and black bits on the outside.

I have been to A+E and they have just put me back to my drs but because of my releationship with him i just cant face seeing him so i went to another dr. They referred me immediately and i will be seen within 2 weeks. My symptoms are

Lost 20lbs
loss of appatite
tired and weak all the time
bowels all over the place for last 4 - 5 months
lump/ mass on right side
blood in stool.

I am so afraid its really making me ill. Im 32 and have 3 beautiful children. I know by the size of the lump on my side (about 25cm) that if it was cancer it would be advanced and as its on my right side that type of bowel cancer is normally found late and often with no symptoms.
Just want to cry all the time! Has anyone ever been in this position and been ok?

Mrs Anxious
29-12-13, 18:56
Hi clover,

I haven't been in ur position but did want to say about chrohns disease and colitis they are 2 diseases of the bowel that cause the symptoms u are experiencing anxiety itself can also cause rapid weight loss as it speeds up ur metabolism,chrohns disease in particular causes weight loss so although it is pointless telling you not to worry I wanted to let you know as a friend of mine has chrohns it took her ages to be diagnosed and she has lost lots of weight, it doesn't automatically mean u have cancer, good luck with ur appointment xxs

29-12-13, 19:31
Also just to add that roughly 4 people in every 100000 get vowel cancer each year in your age group which makes it quite incredibly rare. Good luck - I know it is terrifying but I am sure you will be fine.

29-12-13, 20:05
Have you heard about footballer Darren Fletcher? Well he had exactly the same symptoms. Every Manchester United fan thought he had cancer. Turned out to be Krohn’s Disease. He is now alive, well and PLAYING FOOTBALL.

You’ll be well just like him.

---------- Post added at 21:05 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

Have you heard about footballer Darren Fletcher? Well he had exactly the same symptoms. Every Manchester United fan thought he had cancer. Turned out to be Krohn’s Disease. He is now alive, well and PLAYING FOOTBALL.

You’ll be well just like him.

29-12-13, 20:53
I do of course mean bowel, not vowel cancer - that would be something quite different :)

29-12-13, 22:47
As Mrs Anxious said, those are the symptoms of Crohns, Colitis and IBS. Being that those digestive ailments are fairly common in anxiety sufferers, it's more likely one of those issues as opposed to cancer.

Positive thoughts

Daisy Sue
30-12-13, 00:47
There's also diverticulitis which causes bleeding inside the bowel.. like everyone here has said, there are many reasons which could explain your symptoms. I know it's so hard not to jump to worse case scenario, but try & calm yourself & think that the worst one is only one of many other possibilities, and the odds on are it's not that..

I had most of your symptoms - apart from the one-sided mass, my stomach was rock hard all over during the worst times - and it turned out I had Crohn's. I've a friend who has a lump on one side of her tummy & it's a hernia, and another who has a lumpy area something to do with when she was pregnant years ago.

Got my fingers crossed for you - please let us know how it goes when you've had your appointment.

31-12-13, 16:11
I am going through the SAMEexact thing. I have a lump in the right side of my stomach that keeps coming and going and changing sizes and doing all weird things! I keep loosing weight to. I'm always checking my stools to see if anythings there. I'm 18 and I feel like I have it. My doctor says I don't but something isn't right. If I where you I would skip going to your doctor and demand a scan of your stomach to officially see what's going on in there. I'm way to new to this but i think it's like a cat scan? Demand one of those, or go to the GI. I think that's what it's called like gastreial indigestion or something. I'm very worried myself. I'm trying to get an appointment to get mine further checked out. Once again I'm way to new to this so my advice might be aweful. Hope you feel better soon!

31-12-13, 17:20
My husband has been very ill for two months with bowel problems and lost two stone.i thought they worst.don't self diagnose you'll only give yourself the worst case scenario.my husband spent Friday in hospital and had a colonoscopy and guess what it's not the big C.its either ulcerative colitis or crohns and until the results from biopsies come back we won't be sure.but he can deal with either

31-12-13, 17:57
In my 20's for a period of about a year I had nothing but blood when I had BM. Terrible cramping, anemic, hair falling out, weight loss. Strangely I didn't have health anxiety at the time and brushed it off as IBS. Also didn't have insurance at the time. Symptoms eventually went away but came back (not as bad in my early 30's) during time of stress. Had insurance so I got a colonoscopy, dx'd with Ulcerative Colitis. Second scope 2 years later was normal.

Also, my BIL had symptoms similar to yours and they couldn't find anything wrong after doing a scope.

Most likely you don't have cancer, your symptoms could be from many things. Get a colonoscopy to ease your mind - they're not that bad.

31-12-13, 18:24
My husband has been very ill for two months with bowel problems and lost two stone.i thought they worst.don't self diagnose you'll only give yourself the worst case scenario.my husband spent Friday in hospital and had a colonoscopy and guess what it's not the big C.its either ulcerative colitis or crohns and until the results from biopsies come back we won't be sure.but he can deal with either

Thankyou for this post stamags. Im having some similar issues at the moment and this made me feel positive just by reading it x

31-12-13, 18:32
Hi Clover, I recently had a bowel cancer scare and my tests were fine. The symptoms you describe could be due to other conditions too. Please don't do what I did and jump to conclusions. There's a good chance that you have something else.

01-01-14, 10:44
I been worrying about bowel/colon cancer since 2012 (well ever since my Dad got a letter late 2011) inviting him to do a bowel screening (poop) test because of he reach the age for screening. His test result was fine.
Since than I have had a number of scans because I have had abdominal pains which have gone, worrying how many times I go for a poop each week, size, even spending sometimes 15 minutes looking at my poop in the toilet bowl. etc.

I been told I may have a small pouch on the small bowel, which could have been there since birth, if I have got a small pouch I may need keyhole.

01-01-14, 15:57
Thanks guys, i am pretty certain its cancer. I wish you could feel the lump, its pretty big and very solid. Also, the blood is getting worse. Im sat here so tired and weak and just feel like poor. I've been to A+E a couple of times and although they are concerned they can't do anything as its not an emergnancy . They have suggested that i go back to my gp and see if he is able to get me a referral gore the same day.

01-01-14, 16:23
Thanks guys, i am pretty certain its cancer. I wish you could feel the lump, its pretty big and very solid. Also, the blood is getting worse. Im sat here so tired and weak and just feel like poor. I've been to A+E a couple of times and although they are concerned they can't do anything as its not an emergnancy . They have suggested that i go back to my gp and see if he is able to get me a referral gore the same day.


You said in your OP that you've seen your GP 15 times and he attributes this to anxiety and IBS. What does he say about the lump you say you have? I'm sure you've had to have brought that up. What do the doctors at A&E say about it? You say they're "concerned" but what have they said?

Positive thoughts

01-01-14, 16:40
I only brought the lump up with a Dr last week as before i just thought it was muscle. The Dr has felt it and referred me the same day as i also had blood. The Dr i have seen probably more than 15 times was my gp until i changed to the New one last week. I hadn't mentioned it to him as i wasn't aware until last week that it was a lump. I had been telling him about weight loss, tiredness fatigue the whole time and for the last 2 months about my tummyy and he said ibs . I didn't check my poo until Christmas. A+E said they were not sure what it was but because i am not in extreme pain or pooling pure blood that its not an emergnancy. They did my blood and they are ok. They said that of my gp has already made a referral then i should chase that up and are if he can get me in the same day .

01-01-14, 16:51
I only brought the lump up with a Dr last week as before i just thought it was muscle. The Dr has felt it and referred me the same day as i also had blood. The Dr i have seen probably more than 15 times was my gp until i changed to the New one last week. I hadn't mentioned it to him as i wasn't aware until last week that it was a lump. I had been telling him about weight loss, tiredness fatigue the whole time and for the last 2 months about my tummyy and he said ibs . I didn't check my poo until Christmas. A+E said they were not sure what it was but because i am not in extreme pain or pooling pure blood that its not an emergnancy. They did my blood and they are ok. They said that of my gp has already made a referral then i should chase that up and are if he can get me in the same day .

Blood work would show certain things that would be considered suspicious. Your results were clear. A physical exam and A&E not deeming it an emergency (if they thought it was something serious, you would have been kept regardless), your age as well as the initial diagnosis of IBS based on your history of anxiety makes much more sense than colon cancer.

You've gotten a referral and following up is prudent if only for your own peace of mind. I've been on these boards for a while and I've yet to see a case where it turned out to be your worst fears.

Positive thoughts

01-01-14, 17:02
Fishmanpa i totally honestly believe that its cancer and i think if you felt this lump, saw my poo and weight loss you would too. I saw my New Dr after one of the visit to A+E and he said just because the blood are if"ok" doesn't mean that they are not indicative of something. He wanted to get my results from the hospital to re look at them. I am hoping he is in tomorrow so i can talk to hum.

01-01-14, 17:31
Fishmanpa i totally honestly believe that its cancer and i think if you felt this lump, saw my poo and weight loss you would too. I saw my New Dr after one of the visit to A+E and he said just because the blood are if"ok" doesn't mean that they are not indicative of something. He wanted to get my results from the hospital to re look at them. I am hoping he is in tomorrow so i can talk to hum.

Well then... Good Luck!

Positive thoughts

01-01-14, 21:26
So I am sat here tonight wondering if I should go to A+E again. I have felt so weak today I've barely been able to do anything - just walking to the toilet is a struggle. I have had pain o and off all day and my stools have been terrible. Surely they should be able to do something?

01-01-14, 22:48
Is anything different from when they saw you before? Generally A&E don't do diagnostics--that's why they've been sending you to your doctor the times you've gone in with this. It's not because they don't think you're sick enough, it's because it's something they can't fix. Going there isn't likely to get you answers or well any sooner.

You told us what they said would constitute reason for a return: they said "because i am not in extreme pain or pooling pure blood that its not an emergnancy." So if the pain or the bleeding has changed dramatically for the worse as they suggest, that could be a reason to go, but they still won't be able to treat your disease--they'll just stabilize you if you're bleeding enough to need it and check to make sure nothing new has happened. Otherwise, they'll do what they've done before--tell you that it's not an emergency and that you need to see the specialist, which you've already arranged to do.

I know it's difficult to feel so unwell, and I'm sorry you're going through this. I hope when you see the doctor in a few days you get some relief.

02-01-14, 17:58
How did you get on at the doctorsx

02-01-14, 19:50
He wasn't in today so they have marked for him to ring me in the morning. Thanks for asking.

03-01-14, 11:13
I have just spoken with my Dr. He thinks that putting me in hospital today would not be the bed idea. He feels that if he were to do that then they would not be interested in my general health (I've been very weak and poorly) and just fire ahead with the bowel. He said the other problem with it is that if i have alto of inflammation going on then it can be quite dangerous. He wants me to stay in contact with him whilst my referral comes through and has said that he had marked it as urgent. He se aid that once i receive thletter that it shouldn't be long. Hr did however say that then he met me he didn't think it was cancer - which is a bonus!

03-01-14, 13:12
I have just spoken with my Dr. He thinks that putting me in hospital today would not be the bed idea. He feels that if he were to do that then they would not be interested in my general health (I've been very weak and poorly) and just fire ahead with the bowel. He said the other problem with it is that if i have alto of inflammation going on then it can be quite dangerous. He wants me to stay in contact with him whilst my referral comes through and has said that he had marked it as urgent. He se aid that once i receive thletter that it shouldn't be long. Hr did however say that then he met me he didn't think it was cancer - which is a bonus!

It appears you've found a GP that understands your anxiety and the effect it's having on you physically. I'm willing to bet that one of the stomach ailments mentioned will be the diagnosis. Your anxiety and what probably is depression is aggravating the condition and causing the fatigue and general malaise you feel all the time (I suffered from depression after my 1st heart attack/surgery as well as currently after cancer. Getting therapy). Once they determine what's going on with your stomach, they will prescribe something to treat it. The key will be treating the root of the issue. It's my sincere hope you do so for your sake and that of your family. Feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

03-01-14, 15:36
Good luck to you, Clover. The bowel diseases that can cause those symptoms all have good treatment possibilities, so if that's what turns out to be causing your situation, they should be able to get you feeling better. Hope that's soon!

03-01-14, 22:14
Thanks guys! Im still convinced as this lump on my side is achy and sore (but not to touch). I just hope the referral is through - I have been referred for an ultrasound and to a GI. Hopefully a date for something will come soon and i can get help.
I still think that this whole last year has been coming down to this. Before I started feeling unwell i was never anxious, never had a panic attack or was never particularly worried about my health. I just think that how my GP had treated me has done a huge disservice to me and i now feel like im just a heap on the floor everyday. When i was telling him about my weightloss and fatigue/tiredness/exhaustion, not once did he qestion me on it - he didnt ask me how much weight id lost - what my bowels were like - nothing. I just keep think that had he have not stuck me under the umberella of anxiety immediately and actually been a little pro active it may not have gotten this bad. Even when i was telling him about my tummy he didnt question me about it just said that will be ibs. Its rubbish really and i feel increadibly let down :(

05-01-14, 20:56
I got my ultrasound date through - next thursday 16th - just waiting GI appointment now.

16-02-14, 23:44
How did your appointment go on the 16th any news as of yet??

17-02-14, 00:09
Bowel cancer is almost unheard of at your age.
On the other hand, those symptoms sound real enough, and there are other conditions that could be causing them. Continue to seek medical help until you get a proper diagnosis. Good luck! (And by the way, you do not have bowel cancer).

17-02-14, 13:38
Biopsy results from colonoscopy are in and im just waiting for the drs to ring back and give them to me - getting a little anxious now :/

17-02-14, 15:05
Thanks for checking back, clover--does this mean that the visual inspection was normal? If so, that's good news right there.

09-03-14, 03:37
Any word on how clover is?

09-03-14, 10:04
I was wondering this too...

09-03-14, 14:32
I had dropped a note about a month ago. At that time the results of the tests were normal and biopsies were done (as the last post shows). She said it would be two weeks for the biopsy results and she'd let me know. No word since.

Positive thoughts

15-03-14, 11:07

Saw an update here! :yesyes:

15-03-14, 12:03
Aw, hey guys

Thanks for this, thought it was long gone. Yes I had all the tests and am cancer free!! Woohoo!!! I even had my biopsy results yesterday and there was no malignancy throughout the bowel. Its did show up the ulcerations and inflamation but hey i thought my days were being limited so this is fab news. The CT was normal, it said there was no right sided mass so it looks like it is just a hard bowel which we expected. It also said tere were no liver leisions, that the kidneys were normal, spleen, apendix and everything wasy ok. Just waiting for a consultant appointment now to see how they are going to treat. In the meantime I have had interesting news from dermatology (was under them for 2 years for acne around my lips and nouth) they now feel that this is an inflamatory process which can be seen with inflamatory bowel disease.
In terms of how im feeling generally i am now HA free. I dont think i suffer with it too bad generally but if something is actually wrong (like with my heart and now my bowel) I tend to get myself worked up to the point it makes me ill.
Anywat, I just hope that I am able to keep my body healthy for a while and if something does creep up, worry about it from now until it happens isnt going to stop it.

Hope you are all keeping well and thanks for thinking of me :)

Violet x

15-03-14, 14:14
Aw, hey guys

Thanks for this, thought it was long gone. Yes I had all the tests and am cancer free!! Woohoo!!! I even had my biopsy results yesterday and there was no malignancy throughout the bowel. Its did show up the ulcerations and inflamation but hey i thought my days were being limited so this is fab news. The CT was normal, it said there was no right sided mass so it looks like it is just a hard bowel which we expected. It also said tere were no liver leisions, that the kidneys were normal, spleen, apendix and everything wasy ok. Just waiting for a consultant appointment now to see how they are going to treat. In the meantime I have had interesting news from dermatology (was under them for 2 years for acne around my lips and nouth) they now feel that this is an inflamatory process which can be seen with inflamatory bowel disease.
In terms of how im feeling generally i am now HA free. I dont think i suffer with it too bad generally but if something is actually wrong (like with my heart and now my bowel) I tend to get myself worked up to the point it makes me ill.
Anywat, I just hope that I am able to keep my body healthy for a while and if something does creep up, worry about it from now until it happens isnt going to stop it.

Hope you are all keeping well and thanks for thinking of me :)

Violet x

Ok then! I can officially say "Told ya so!" :whistles:

Positive thoughts

16-03-14, 00:45
So pleased to hear Clover!!