View Full Version : Thankful Thoughts- Join In!!!

29-12-13, 19:50
Riding out a pretty strong flare up of anxiety right now (physical symptoms are wanting to escalate), so I thought I would start a post where we all list something we are thankful for that helps us on the journey we are each on toward recovery........

---------- Post added at 13:50 ---------- Previous post was at 13:49 ----------

I am thankful that there is such thing as-

I love Diet Coke, and now that I can't have any caffeine....I can at least still enjoy my Diet Coke.

29-12-13, 20:03

ally b
29-12-13, 23:43
music, wiv out it id be :( xx

29-12-13, 23:59
My partner, my 9 month little boy and supportive family.

Daisy Sue
30-12-13, 00:49
Ditto on the caffeine free coke :)

My contribution (after my wonderful family) would be my hot water bottle. It's brought me such comfort over many years, and I would really be lost without one.

30-12-13, 00:56
Hope :)

30-12-13, 00:57
Good soap and bubble bath.

30-12-13, 01:18

30-12-13, 07:38
Family, I would not be here today without them

Cat lady
30-12-13, 09:03
My children, in my darkest days they were my only reason to live for

30-12-13, 09:54
My husband and my writing

30-12-13, 21:17
Those moments when you can actually clearly see the miracles and growth that are birthed from the hardest of times.

17-02-14, 22:22
Random thankfulness:
*A sunny day melting away snow that has covered the ground for far too long.
*Being able to drink decaf coffee without being convinced I can still feel the anxiety ramping up from the minor, minor amounts of caffeine in decaf.
*The fact that I managed to get my 6 month old, 2 year old nephew, and 4 year old all down for naps AT THE SAME TIME!
*The fact that my hubby has supported me everyday through this battle, and the amazing smile he has for me constantly right now as I am very close to saying "I'm recovered."
*The fact that my doctor new I was past the point of messing around and got me immediately onto an SSRI and into counseling.
*The fact that I trust my doctor so much that I swallowed every pill I was scared to take- just because she told me to.
*The wonderful friends I have met on here.
*The sense of purpose this site has given me in regards to "why" I had to go through this.