View Full Version : twitches subsided but still around....is that normal

29-12-13, 20:14
Hi all a month or so ago i was on here alot as i was plauged with twitches they would start as soon as i got up id see them under the skin in my arms lips calfs toes even my stomach and back. They subsided but they are still around in my scalp sometimes. Is this something thats around for life and is it normal . ?

29-12-13, 20:52
I used to have horrible twitches all over but as I felt better they slowly went away
Sometimes I get the odd one but it doesn't bother me,it's perfectly normal

29-12-13, 21:08
Everyone twitches. It's gets worse when you are anxious. I get them from time to time they don't bother me anymore.

30-12-13, 23:02
Thanku for your replies. I guess its something i must just learn to live with. X

30-12-13, 23:42
I'm twitching right now it's apart of anixety.

31-12-13, 03:36
I think twitching is pretty normal. I seem to get it regularly, may be an anxiety thing!

Nothing to worry about. :)