View Full Version : Panic from nowhere?

29-12-13, 22:06
Hi everyone :)
Just a quick question is it normal for panic to appear seemingly out of nowhere? I was just playing a game on my computer when I suddenly thought Id stop breathing felt like i couldnt breath and I felt very detatched and weird and I felt that rush of panic. I handled it I think pretty well refusing to let it turn into a panic attack and im feeling a bit better now but I was just wondering if this was normal? Thanks
Becky x

29-12-13, 22:09
Congratulations Becky. Job well done. I have panic that seemingly comes out of nowhere.

29-12-13, 22:14
Hi Becky,

I get that a lot, I feel relaxed and then wham, as big rush of panic, lite headed, detached etc.

You did well to stop it turning into full panic attack

mandie x

29-12-13, 22:22
Thanks you guys :) I still feel a little like "I can't breath" but Im just trying to ignore it remember thats Im fine and move on :) I feel better knowing im not in this on my own :)

29-12-13, 23:03
Something in your mind caused your body to release adrenalin for no real reason. It could be sparked by something you are not even aware of. Your body goes into fight mode and you experience all of the frightening symptoms. If a bear was about to eat you, your brain would do the same thing. The crazy thing about panic disorder is that your brain acts when there is no real danger.
If you think about it in this way, it may not be as scary for you. Distract yourself from thinking about it and the symptoms will stop.

Cú Chulainn
30-12-13, 00:55
Well Done stopping the Panic from taking hold
I think that may be the key to recovering from panic disorder
Yeah at the beginning I only got panic attacks from nowhere
Well at least I didn't know the reason lol

30-12-13, 08:16
Thanks you guys :) I still feel a little like "I can't breath" but Im just trying to ignore it remember thats Im fine and move on :) I feel better knowing im not in this on my own :)

excatly how mine started Becky - around a year ago happily sat watching TV and playing Football Manager on the PC when suddenly it felt like I had just come out of a trance and I had a voice in my head telling me to breathe - sadly I had never experienced this before and it went full blown panic and I went off to hospital to get checked out.

It has happened again since but because I feel the early symptoms I get up and do somethgn and tell myself its ok and not to worry which seems to stop the full blown panic

the feeling like I couldn't breathe properly went on for weeks though and seems to for me after a panic attack of sorts since that time

30-12-13, 09:29
I'm so glad I read this post. I can be sat, relaxing, watching tv and wham panic, I dont understand why though?

30-12-13, 21:41
The reason you panic spontaneously is that it's the body's way of using up excess adrenaline. You have built up stresses during the day or the past week, you body's sees you doing normal stuff and not reacting, it then calculates that there is no need to keep this storage of adrenaline because there is no threat, so it flushes it out of your body in the only way it can. It releases it from the endocrine system into the circulatory system in one big purge as a super efficient method of de stressing the body in one 10 minute blow-out.

That's all it is.

22-01-14, 21:41
The reason you panic spontaneously is that it's the body's way of using up excess adrenaline. You have built up stresses during the day or the past week, you body's sees you doing normal stuff and not reacting, it then calculates that there is no need to keep this storage of adrenaline because there is no threat, so it flushes it out of your body in the only way it can. It releases it from the endocrine system into the circulatory system in one big purge as a super efficient method of de stressing the body in one 10 minute blow-out.

That's all it is.

Wow - I LOVE that! I'm going to print it and carry it with me in my purse!!!!