View Full Version : Zoloft and Yawning

29-12-13, 22:26
I feel much better after starting zoloft 50mg about 5 days ago. I took Zoloft at one point a few years ago and it made me yawn excessively. I had to step down to 25mg. I am starting to yawn a lot again today. It freaks me out I feel like I can't stop yawning. I really don't want to decrease the dose because I feel really good besides the yawning. Has anyone else had this effect from Zoloft? If so does it pass?

29-12-13, 22:31
I totally had that side effect- lasted for me about a month (started again with each dose increase- 50, 75, 100), but I am at about six weeks and that side effect seems to be done. (Now, if I can just lose the tremors.......)

29-12-13, 22:32
Thanks for the reply I'm going to try to stick it out! Sorry about the tremors.